The European Parliament and the Council of the EU reach an agreement on the EU budget for 2021 Business


“Agreement between the Parliament and the Council of the EU on I am very positive about the EU budget. In particular, this budget reflects the EU’s key priorities for the new period, with a view to economic recovery and sustainable growth through Second, the swift and fluid agreement on the first budget of the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework indicates the EU’s focus, determination and very real opportunity to welcome the new year 2021-2027. EU multi-annual program and the basis for the activation of the European Recovery Instrument ”, says Vilius Šapoka, Acting Minister of Finance.

The report states that the agreed levels of commitment and payment appropriations in the budget are very close to the amounts foreseen in the European Commission budget for 2021. In the draft EU budget, updated on 16 November. EU budget commitments for 2021 will amount to 164.3 billion. -5.5 billion euros (-5.5% compared to the 2020 budget) and payments of 166.1 billion euros. (+ 1.2% compared to the 2020 budget).

The largest in 2021. Part of the EU budget is dedicated to strengthening the EU single market, economic recovery based on innovation, green and digital transformation, and common EU contractual policies, cohesion policy and agriculture.

As stated in the report, given the importance of the green and digital transition in the EU’s long-term economic recovery strategy, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU agreed in conciliation to increase funding for digital Europe, the artificial intelligence and LIFE change and loss of biodiversity, the transition to clean energy). It was also agreed to increase spending to ensure security and justice, strengthen judicial institutions and promote their cooperation, protection of the rights of EU citizens, promotion of common values ​​and gender equality. Given the impact of the pandemic on exacerbating poverty and socio-economic problems in developing countries, it has been agreed to increase support for development cooperation.

For next year, the EU budget foresees adequate amounts of payments for Lithuania to meet the commitments made until 2021. (which is particularly important in view of accelerated projects financed with EU funds for the financial period 2014- 2020). We are also very positive about the increased funding for the transport part of the Connecting Europe Facility, as it is this program that finances the strategic Baltic railway project. It should also be noted that more funding has been agreed for EU strategic communication and almost € 1 million more. European Institute for Gender Equality in Vilnius.

2021 The EU budget will not be formally announced until its adoption in 2021-2027. The EU’s multiannual financial framework.
