A.Veryga: on Monday will consider how to further toughen the quarantine, restrictions may also affect traders


“Unfortunately, the situation does not improve, it continues to deteriorate. We do not have an exponential growth, but we see an increasing number of cases every week. And that means that the measures that are currently in force are definitely not enough,” he said.

According to A.Veryga, on Monday the quarantine measures will be reviewed in the COVID-19 management committee, new ones will be decided.

I will not answer in detail (what are they – aut.), It will be about measures for workplaces, which could be more strictly regulated: the same teleworking, wearing masks not only where customers are served, but also when communicate with peers. We will ask colleagues from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports about the educational process, ”said the Minister about the direction in which additional restrictions will be enacted.

According to him, there may be restrictions in business, one of the options under consideration is to increase the commercial space per person. At present, a person must have an area of ​​at least 10 square meters.

It is true that in a sparse shopping center, you could see it by counting how many people entered and how many left.

Still can’t talk about entertainment

According to the interim minister, whatever happens around them, people think more of themselves about the spread of the virus.

“What we see in public is probably the tip of the iceberg,” the minister said of people’s behavior during the pandemic. According to him, if people wear masks just to avoid being fined, one can only imagine how they “protect” themselves when no one sees them.

According to the minister, people should understand that the number of diseases is only growing, so there is no need to talk about the organization of entertainment, such as the installation of ski slopes.

He stressed that the situation is critical and there is no need to think about skiing now. It is said that if people are thinking of going to Poland to ski, when they return they should not complain that they are not receiving medical attention.

NVSC has no complaints

When asked if the National Public Health Center (NVSC) was properly prepared for the second wave, Veryga said that anyone who turned around could do better now.

“To say that there was no preparation during the summer, I would definitely not agree with such statements, people really worked, some systems were being developed,” he emphasized.

D.Razmuvienė: nothing good

Last day, 2514 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Lithuania, 26 people died from coronavirus.

1940 COVID-19 patients are being treated in hospitals, 139 of them in resuscitation, the Department of Statistics reported Friday.

974 patients need oxygen, 78 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

“Nothing good,” summarized Daiva Razmuvienė, representative of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

According to her, there are currently a total of 3301 sick doctors.

According to her, a large outbreak has occurred in the Kėdainiai hospital, in the Šilalė district, the chimney has spread widely.

The cases in educational institutions, according to her, are not numerous.

According to D.Razmuvienė, there are a number of cases in which patients refuse to speak to the epidemiologists of the center, it is that they refuse to indicate where they visited.

According to her, the anonymous economist D.Razmuvienė shows that the decrease in the number of mass meetings in November is not recorded.

“The virus will never spread unless you find people gathered nearby,” he said.

D.Razmuvienė urged employers to work from home as much as possible.

A girl with coronavirus: I got sick even though I was wearing a mask

Algimantė Ambrulaitytė, who attended SAM’s press conference on Friday, said the disease was not easy.

“It all started with a simple sore throat, a small headache,” he recalled. Later, it only got worse: they managed to speak ill, the temperature increased.

Photo by Karolina Savickytė / Algimante Ambrulaitytė

Photo by Karolina Savickytė / Algimante Ambrulaitytė

“It just came to my knowledge then. I didn’t even eat anything for a few days, my throat hurt so much that I couldn’t swallow the saliva,” the girl said.

According to A. Ambrulaitytė, the infection lasted 2 hours, which was spent in the same room with the patient. The girl became infected despite wearing a mask.
