Musvydaitė very specifically calculated how far you have to go in a day: a simple way to know if you are moving enough


Improves health

The creator of the # walk15 mobile app, Vlada Musvydaitė, says that only motivation can promote a healthy life. Without it, getting a leg out of the house or out of bed can be difficult for many.

However, he emphasizes that maintaining health can also be done simply. And one of them is the simplest walk in the open air. According to her, research shows that movement every hour for at least 5 minutes protects against up to 40 chronic diseases.

“According to scientists, even our brain activity changes as we walk, and just a 20-minute walk is sufficient. It is emphasized that walking indoors for even 3 minutes lowers blood pressure, but walking for 5 minutes in the air free immediately improves mood and for 10 minutes improves creative thinking.

Walking for 15 minutes after a meal is recommended and this lowers blood sugar. Walking outside for 30 minutes after a meal helps you lose weight. And a 90 minute walk in the fresh air has been shown to help get rid of depressive thoughts, because a person begins to see completely different things and fresh air really helps a lot, ”says V. Musvydaitė.

What influence does walking have on us?

What influence does walking have on us?

© Photo from personal album

According to her, even if we leave the house for a short time, it would be advisable to leave the cars in the yard and even walk to the store, because it not only contributes to well-being and health, but also protects nature.

“A kilometer by car emits as much CO2 as five trees have to ‘recycle’ per day. So, walking a kilometer is like growing a tree. Then, you automatically think about the environment and yourself,” he says.

And the rules of the World Health Organization state that a person must walk 10,000 per day. Steps. Walking improves mood, also contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, strengthens the immune system. And people who are overweight are starting to lose weight. But how do you discover the motivation for it?

How brain activity changes as you go

How brain activity changes as you go

© Photo from personal album

Offer a mobile app

The idea that was born from V. Musvydaitė five years ago saw the light last year. Walking with her daughter and son through the forest, the promoter of a healthy lifestyle thought that the route would be much more interesting if a woman could tell the children who walk together about the objects found in it.

Then he came up with the idea of ​​a mobile application that allows you not only to count the steps you take, but also to know different routes, discover new places and get discounts in collaborative stores for your accumulated steps or participate in your workplace or public challenges .

Today, the # walk15 mobile app has 150 routes, and here people are encouraged to walk 15,000 a day. Steps. 10,000 steps – the recommended rate and an additional 5,000. – Personal knowledge, discount or challenge won. The guides also shared their routes during the quarantine.

“It’s fun to cooperate with more and more interesting companies. In this case, even with Kaunas Drama Theater, which will move the theater on the route. The theater will go outside, it will be possible to see and feel it by following the virtual route,” he says.

Vlada Musvydaitė

Vlada Musvydaitė

© Photo of the organization

There are up to 110 thousand users here, and V. Musvydaitė says that the number has increased significantly during the quarantine. This allowed us to notice that the Lithuanian population began to move more and walk in the open air. Even those who previously avoided such activities have joined the device.

The most active older people

The application has up to 15 thousand. millionaires. They are people who have already taken a million steps. V. Musvydaitė observes that the most active are the elderly.

“If you have to answer who collects the most steps, we can safely say: people over 50. They find more time to walk, as a result of taking less medication, improving their immunity and mood.

For me, it was a kind of discovery, because the millionaires who follow in our footsteps and who overcome all our challenges, as I say, are “young old”. There are those over 70 years old. Trust me, they go 50 thousand a day. steps ”, smiles the interlocutor.

In the app, companies can create their own challenges by creating teams and encouraging their employees to walk more, as well as people who are offered a wide variety of public challenges.

For example, V. Musvydaitė says that company employees are now willing to take the garbage out of the offices, because that is how the additional steps are calculated, and even the programmers get up from their chairs. Here, corporate employees are encouraged to avoid the world once, which equates to 50 million. Steps. This is a public challenge that even helped the consumer lose 20 pounds in two months.

Another public challenge offers the opportunity to go beyond your city. Currently, the city of Kaunas is the fastest moving city, Vilnius in second place, Klaipėda in third place, Pasvalys in fourth place and Šilutė in fifth place. A total of 77 cities and their inhabitants are involved in the challenge.

The benefits of walking

The benefits of walking

© Photo from personal album

“It just came to our attention then. Steps at once. We rely on the recommendations of doctors and other professionals who unequivocally state that the main goal is to move at least 5 minutes per hour.

It is not necessary to do it by sitting from 8 pm in the morning until 6 pm at night and then you go for a walk. It takes about 2 hours a day to walk. This means you can walk in the morning for 30 minutes, then every hour for 5 minutes, then 1 hour before dinner, and try to move every hour for the remaining 5 minutes, ”says the developer.

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