84-year-old Vincenta seeks peace through quarantine by sewing: unable to go to church, began making bags Vida


Unable to go to church, spends time sewing

Vincenta says that sewing has been with her since adolescence, most of her life. At first it was a hobby, but after moving from the village to live in Telšiai, V. Paliulienė got a job as a tailor in a domestic service plant. So the hobby became a job.

“When we moved to the city, I started working as a seamstress in a domestic service factory. After work, I sewed for my own pleasure: I sewed old clothes, improved them, renovated them. I gave the sewn dresses to my daughter and then to my grandchildren, ”recalls Vincenta.

Personal album photo album / Vincenta Paliulienė

Personal album photo album / Vincenta Paliulienė

V. Paliulienė, who worked in the factory for 20 years, did not stop sewing even after retiring. Vincenta was making clothes for acquaintances and in her free time she would meet friends and attend church.

“Before, my friends and I used to walk around Masti Lake in Telšiai. However, during the quarantine we had to reduce the meetings and then avoid them entirely, because we are in the highest risk group, ”says V. Paliulienė.

Vincenta acknowledges that the restrictions caused by the pandemic are negatively affecting her, but she tries to focus her thoughts on her favorite activities.

“Social restriction affects me like everyone else. But in the sewing machine I find joy and peace. It helps me direct my thoughts and focus elsewhere; I relax even feeling the tension around me ”, says V. Paliulienė.

Vincenta does not hide the fact that a favorite activity is necessary even in a pandemic: “It is very important to discover a hobby, a passion and a motivation.”

I find joy and peace in the sewing machine. It helps me focus my thoughts and focus elsewhere.

Spend all day on the sewing machine

After the coronavirus pandemic limited senior people’s favorite walks, Vincenta decided to start sewing reusable bags.

“There is no one left to repair the clothes, so the idea came up to sew something nice to wrap gifts, herbs and share it with family members”, Vincenta comments about the idea.

The idea came to the store after paying attention to expensive gift bags. V. Paliulienė thought that reusable bags could serve for many years and would be much more environmentally friendly.

“I have noticed high prices for a long time, even more so because they are not original, created by non-human hands, thrown away after use … Reusable bags can serve year after year, they are all different, this makes the gift exclusive and only.

I know that after the holidays people throw away unnecessary bags, not everyone picks them up and gives them to others. I want mine to travel from hand to hand for many years. I don’t like the view of Lake Mutis, where plastic bags and bottles float. Ecology is important to me, ”says Vincenta.

V.Paliulienė is based on the material for idea bags. They don’t just find them in her closet: Vincenta’s friends don’t regret bringing old clothes.

“I find the materials in the closet, in the second-hand clothing store, in the trunks of friends. Everyone brings what they have, then I give them a bag, which I sewed, ”says Vincenta.

I want my bags to travel from hand to hand for many years.

Recently, V. Paliulienė has been sewing all the time; she spends most of the day at the sewing machine.

“Sewing calms the body and head, thoughts improve when a new terble is born. It’s good to see the result, it motivates me. I’m glad that there will be at least a small reduction in plastic bags in the environment”, says Vincenta .

Such interest was not expected from people

Observing Vincenta’s great immersion in the new activity, her granddaughter Dainora had the idea of ​​sharing samples of the bags in public. And unexpectedly, they received a lot of attention on social media.

“When a granddaughter offered to put bags to the Internet, I did not expect or plan anything. But there were hundreds of people who liked my bags. Now they pack their Christmas gifts in reusable bags, traveling all over Lithuania, maybe even abroad, ”says Vincenta happily.

Photo from a personal album / Reusable bags created by Vincenta Paliulienė

Photo from personal album / Reusable bags created by Vincenta Paliulienė

V. Paliulienė admits that he did not expect such interest from people. When those looking to buy bags started attacking her granddaughter’s phone, Vincenta was shocked.

“It just came to our attention then. My family did not expect that either. The granddaughter’s phone did not stop ringing for three days; people did not spare nice words, praised the quality of my bags and the beautiful stitching, sent wishes, wished health ”Says V. Paliulienė.

I didn’t think people were interested. The granddaughter’s phone did not stop ringing for three days

So far, the bags cost a euro and a half, but Vincenta emphasizes that money is not important to her. V. Paliulienė sees sense in sewing various bags, so she is glad that people are interested in her work.

“It just came to our knowledge then. As the Samogitians say:” For just jama “(let’s just drink). I’m happy and let people be happy. Today there is little that can be bought for a euro and a half, and I see sense , joy and a way to contribute to a more sustainable environment, less consumption ”, says Vincenta.

Photo from a personal album / Reusable bags created by Vincenta Paliulienė

Photo from a personal album / Reusable bags created by Vincenta Paliulienė

Vincenta sews not only gift bags, but also larger shopping bags. However, V. Paliulienė has no plans for the future and wants to continue enjoying his hobby.

“I don’t have great business plans, so I’m glad the bag is worth it. It still costs yarn, laces and sometimes material,” says Vincenta.

According to V. Paliulienė, it is important that all older people find activities that give them satisfaction. It is important for a person to feel useful because they motivate.

“If you have your hands, all older people can be happy and helpful. Feeling useful is very important. Even with small jobs, little by little doing what you like.

It is not worth complaining, complaining, pitying others. We can do whatever we want. When, if not now? And if we manage to make others happy, the joy returns twice, ”says Vincenta.
