G.Skaistė: My suitability to work as a minister must also be assessed by society. VIDEO


Gintarė Skaistė, a finance minister candidate who drank drunk seven years ago, says he regrets this act and says the public will have to assess whether a sufficient period of rehabilitation has passed. The issue of G. Skaistė’s reputation was also raised by President Gitanas Nausėda during Wednesday’s meeting. “The president pointed out that public trust is important for all ministers, especially the Minister of Finance, because he has many levers and decisions in his hands, which determine both public welfare and business viability,” the representative of the President Antanas Bubnelis after the meeting. . According to him, he will have to answer society’s questions about the reputation of G. Skaistė. For her part, the candidate says that the public appreciates the totality of knowledge about her, including the incident that occurred seven years ago, in which the then member of the Kaunas City Council became involved. “I am very sorry for that mistake, I think I really had a chance to think about it,” said G. Skaistė. He said he thought he would never make a similar mistake again, but that his reputation and suitability to run the ministry, according to G. Skaistė, should be evaluated by the public. “Probably for the public to evaluate if that rehabilitation period is sufficient, or if I have the right to occupy that position, after evaluating my mistake and not repeating it again,” he considered.
