The government did not consider the thirteenth pension Business


“He intends not to discuss today,” outgoing Prime Minister Sualius Skvernelis told the meeting.

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) proposed to the Seimas to approve in principle the proposal of former Seimas members Vanda Kravčionok and Zbignev Jedinskis to pay pension number 13, but differentiate it according to income, by about 90 thousand. people receive additional benefits: state pensions, rent (on average 63 to 1306 euros).

The ministry has also proposed other amendments, such as a pension in the new law on global beneficiaries of social security pensions and social assistance benefits, adopted in May, and consider it in conjunction with the 2022 state budget, which will require around $ 180 million. euros.

The outgoing Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis, has said that the decision on the legalization of the thirteenth pension should be taken by the new Seimas.

Acting Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka previously warned that pension number 13 would need up to 200 million. In the current situation, the state must avoid additional long-term financial liabilities.

The opposition at the time called the idea of ​​a thirteenth pension an electoral stunt. President Gitanas Nausėda described the thirteenth pension as an untenable decision.

The Seimas began considering the possibility of legalizing the 13th pension in October and intended to consider amendments on November 10, but was asked for a government conclusion.
