There is still no money in the 2021 budget to increase medical salaries


Mykolas Majauskas, president of the Budget and Finance Commission of the Seimas, says that during the pandemic, the salaries of doctors must be increased, so the new Government and the Seimas will have to agree on this.

“It is planned to pay salaries only to the extent that they have increased this year. There are no plans to increase the salaries of doctors next year. (…) The contribution of doctors to the well-being of all of us is paramount and enormous. Therefore, the salaries of doctors cannot increase during a pandemic. Now there is a consensus from the new government on how much, how and when, “M. Majauskas told BNS.

According to him, neither next year’s state nor the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund budget provides funds for supplements for physicians working with coronavirus patients.

“They will have to be paid, but, in my opinion, these funds are not budgeted, it is planned to pay them from reserves, but that is not reflected in the PSDF. When this is done, the deficit will increase, “said the head of the committee.

At the time, Antanas Matulas, head of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, estimates that there will be “tens” of millions left to maintain wages in 2020 next year.

“Nothing is planned for the increase, but it will hardly be enough to maintain the increase achieved,” A. Matulas told BNS.

According to him, the health budget for next year grows very little: “It grows mainly at the expense of money transferred to the reserve this year.”

SAM BNS confirmed that according to the collective agreement, the increase in medical salaries was planned for this year at the latest, and in 2021 only additional funds are foreseen to ensure continuity.

“In April this year, funding for personal health care services was increased again (€ 130 million was allocated from the PSDF reserve) and medical institutions were paid for their services by applying increased base price score values ​​( allowing medical institutions to increase staff salaries.) Therefore, PSDF’s proposed budget for 2021 provides for additional funds to ensure the continuity of these commitments ”, confirms SAM in the response provided by BNS.

BNS did not receive a specific SAM response during the week regarding the amount of funding for medical salaries provided in the 2021 PSDF budget.

“There is no separate line for medical salaries in the PSDF budget. Medical institutions are financed by paying for healthcare services rendered. The part of the income received that will go towards the salaries of physicians is decided by the medical institutions themselves, ”says the Ministry’s response.

SAM also indicated that in the PSDF budget project for 2021 prepared by the outgoing Government, health expenditures will amount to 264 million. euros. The fund’s income is expected to reach $ 2.4 billion next year. EUR, or 2.8%. more than in 2020.

According to the SAM, according to the 2017 agreement with the medical unions, the average salary of doctors at the beginning of the second half of this year should be at least three average salaries (VMU) – 3,250 euros (before taxes), and nurses – at least 1.5 VMU – 1625 euros.

According to SAM, in July of this year, the median salary for doctors was 3,158 euros (before taxes) and for nurses, 1,623 euros.

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