What you need to know: information on identifying work ability, disability, special needs


Relevant for people of working age

How is the level of work capacity determined?

The level of work ability is determined by assessing the person’s health status and opportunities to pursue existing qualifications, acquire new qualifications, or work in unskilled jobs after all possible measures of medical and vocational rehabilitation and assistance have been used. special to treat the person.

For whom can the level of work capacity be determined?

  • people under the age of 18 who are (were) covered by state social security;
  • for people between the ages of 18 and retirement age.

In both cases, the level of work capacity is determined by evaluating medical and personal criteria of performance and capacity for participation.

Steps to determine the level of work ability:

  • The attending physician prepares a referral to the Disability and Work Capacity Assessment Service, which provides data on the person’s health.
  • The person goes to the Disability and Work Capacity Assessment Service or their specialists communicate with them remotely. During the interview with the person, a questionnaire is completed about their activities and abilities to participate.
  • An evaluation of the medical data and the questionnaire provided in the shipment is made.
  • In 15 working days a decision is made on the determination of the level of work capacity and / or special needs (permanent attention, constant maintenance (assistance), purchase of a car and its technical adaptation).
Visual SADM / Determination of work capacity

Visual SADM / Determination of work capacity

IMPORTANT. The documents may be presented by the person himself, his parents, spouse, adult children, guardians or other persons authorized by him or by a social worker from the municipality of residence representing the person or a social worker from the social care institution where the person resides permanently.

If the documents are sent by certified mail, the copies of the documents must be certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legal acts.

When the person puts 055 percent. level of work capacity, you are issued a certificate of work capacity and / or a certificate of work capacity due to an accident at work or an occupational disease; disability certificate; recommendation on the need for assistance; conclusion on the nature and conditions of work.

When a person sets 60 percent. or higher level of work capacity, a certificate is issued when the cause of the reduction in work capacity is an accident (disability) at work, occupational disease, etc. cases.

Does the established level of work capacity remain permanent?

The level of work capacity can be determined 6 months, one or two years, until the end of the vocational rehabilitation program, until the anniversary of the retirement age or indefinitely, when the level of work capacity is determined due to work accident or occupational disease.

A reevaluation may take place after the deadline.

What depends on determining the level of work capacity?

Depending on the established level of work ability, Sodra awards a social security disability pension or a social assistance pension. Reimbursement of the costs of buying a car and its technical adaptation may also be granted.

The municipality provides specific compensation for care or care (assistance).

Relevant for children up to 18 years

When should the level of disability be assessed?

The level of disability is determined for people under 18 years of age, except for people who are (were) covered by state social insurance, after a comprehensive assessment of the person’s health status and the degree of loss of independence in daily activities and educational opportunities.

Steps to determine the level of disability:

  • The doctor treating the child prepares a referral to the Service for Disability and Incapacity for Work, which provides data on the child’s health.
  • During the interview with the child’s representatives (from 4 years old), a questionnaire is completed about the child’s activities and abilities to participate.
  • An evaluation is made of the medical data provided in the shipment.
  • Within 15 business days, a decision is made on the level of disability and (or) determination of special needs (permanent care, permanent care (assistance)).
    SADM visual detection / override

    SADM visual detection / override

IMPORTANT. Mild, moderate, or severe levels of disability can be identified by a comprehensive assessment of a person’s health status, opportunities for independence in daily activities, opportunities for education, the influence of environmental factors, and other important aspects .

Is the established level of disability still permanent?

The level of disability can be determined For 6 months, one, two years or until the person turns 18, when the person’s health disorders are permanent and invariable.

A reevaluation may take place after the deadline.

What depends on determining a child’s level of disability?

Depending on the level of disability established, Sodra awards a social assistance pension and the municipality provides specific compensation for nursing or care (assistance).

When should special needs be assessed?

Special needs for permanent care, constant care (assistance), compensation for the purchase of a car and its technical adequacy are determined by a comprehensive assessment of a person’s state of health and opportunities for independence in daily activities.

In this case, the age of the person is not important: it can be both a child with a disability and a person who can work or has reached retirement age.

IMPORTANT. A first or second level special can be configured the need for permanent care, or the special need for a first or second level of constant care (assistance), as well as the need to reimburse the costs of buying and fitting a car.

Visual SADM / Spec.  Identification of necessities

Visual SADM / Spec. Identification of necessities

How are special needs identified?

Special needs are identified assess the general state of human health and the ability to be independent in daily activities.

Acquisition of automobiles and their adaptation The need for reimbursement will be determined for those with severe mobility problems. Along with the need to reimburse the costs of buying a car and its adaptation, a person may also need permanent second level care or permanent first or second level care (assistance).

IMPORTANT. The questionnaire for a child and a person of working age is completed during an interview with an employee of the Disability and Ability to Work Assessment Service, and for a person of retirement age, an employee or an authorized employee of the municipality of your place of residence.

Are special needs permanently identified?

Special needs for continuing care and ongoing care (assistance) can be identified For 6 months, one, two years or indefinitely when the person’s health disorders are permanent and invariable.

The special need for compensation for the costs of buying a car and its technical adequacy is determined for 6 years or indefinitely, when a person’s health disorders are permanent and invariable.

A reevaluation may take place after the deadline.

Determination of the level of special needs of people who have reached retirement age.

Do I need to apply for a special needs level when I reach retirement age?

When special needs are identified for people of retirement age, the level of needs is determined automatically, no additional application is required.

IMPORTANT. An indefinite level of special needs will be determined for a person for whom the level of work ability has been determined before retirement age:

  • At the 0-30% level of work capacity, the level of significant special needs is determined;
  • At the 35-55% work capacity level, the average special needs level is determined.

What depends on identifying special needs?

Sodra compensates for the costs of buying a car and its technical adaptation (if this need is identified).

The municipality provides specific compensation for care or care (assistance).

You can find more information about social services, aids, benefits and guarantees here.
