It became clear what Lithuanians most often look for in pharmacies


More active use of vitamin D

If in the spring, when the first quarantine began, buyers swept up health care and immunity-boosting measures and essential drugs to supplement family pharmacies, then in the fall this trend changed a bit: buyers mainly focus in nutritional supplements and vitamins.

In March, customers of the Camelia pharmacy chain bought more often than usual protective equipment such as medical masks, disinfectants, antiviral nasal sprays and food supplements for immunity: sales of vitamin C containers (almost double) and packaging of echinacea tea (3.5 immediately), writes in a press release.

“Currently, many of us are experiencing more stress, uncertainty about the future, work, concerns about our relatives or our own health. It is not surprising, in such circumstances, that more patients buy magnesium and vitamin complexes of group B to strengthen the nervous system and food supplements with the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps to fall asleep faster ”, says the pharmacist.

Buyers now also often buy vitamin C, fish oil, echinacea preparations, multivitamin complexes.

“In the fall, people became even more interested in vitamin D and began to use it more actively. Studies have found that patients are deficient in this vitamin very often. As a result, especially in the elderly, the muscles can weaken, the most frequent injuries are caused by slipping, so it is useful to use this supplement prophylactically in the cold season, and in the face of this pandemic it is even more important ”, said the pharmacist.

According to the man, the best prevention against coronavirus is not food supplements, but avoiding social contacts, so buyers who understand this try to visit the pharmacy less often and buy more products for themselves and their loved ones in one go. shopping trip.


Some deny the virus

R. Blyn points out that during the second quarantine, patients are calmer, have more information about the virus and already have the necessary health protection measures: masks, gloves, disinfectant liquid.

“All pharmacies have these tools available for half a year. The tools are enough, only the will to use them correctly, is still missing. The most worrying thing is that although customers usually go to the pharmacy with the appropriate masks, they take them down, leave their noses are exposed or they take them off when they start to speak. To avoid the virus it is necessary to carry it “, emphasizes the pharmacist.

While most clients have accumulated enough knowledge about the pandemic, there are still those who deny the situation. “However, it is more common not to answer questions about the virus, but to argue with those who deny it or scold him for wearing masks,” laments Blyn.

To the pharmacy – consult

During the second quarantine, customers visit the pharmacy not only to buy medicines, but also to consult on the most important health problems.

“Chronic diseases have not disappeared anywhere and the elderly who suffer from them continue to visit pharmacies. It is difficult for scheduled surgeries to be canceled during the quarantine period, patients cannot always get a medical consultation, so a health consultation comes with us. Unfortunately, health problems add up and can get worse over time. We try to help and advise patients as much as we can, but this is not always possible, ”says the pharmacist.

According to R. Blyn, during the pandemic, the pharmacy network phone for consultations with a pharmacist is also not silent. Older customers who have difficulty ordering medications online or who have various health problems are particularly active in using this option.
