Government formation: how reasonable the president’s doubts will be


Photo by Robert Dakaus (Office of the President)

President Gitan Nausda will decide this week who is not acceptable to Ingrida’s company to nominate coalition candidates for ministers.

Already the day he officially presented the candidate for prime minister to the Seimas, the Head of State made it clear that his candidates did not stone members of the Government at all: no passport has yet been issued for any of them.

The other day, Mr. Nausda assured once again that the flow of candidates in the entire field would not be confirmed.

So far, it remains to be seen who will likely be at least some contenders who do not go through the filter of president. Some very preliminary introductions can be made to Mr. Nausda’s first meeting with the candidates. So far, there have only been four, the remaining ten will visit S. Daukantas Plaza this week. And already on Tuesday I will discover what the president does not want the government to miss.

Judging from the announcements made after the four meetings, Monika Navickien, who is only nominated by the Minister of Social Security and Labor, probably does not raise major doubts about her practice. The candidates for the heads of the Ministries of Culture, Communications and Justice Simonas Kairys, Kasparas Adomaitis and Evelina Dobrovolska received one or another presidential comment mainly due to a lack of political experience, as well as a lack of vision and adequate equipment.

Political scientists do not rule out that the president may have various complaints about a large number of other candidates. For example, the Minister of Finance and Energy asked Gintare Skaiste and Dainius Kreivis about the slippage of the past, and the Minister of the Environment asked Simonas Gentvilas to protest the necessary protest against a group from the nature protection society.

Given the current difficult situation and the need for vital reforms, special requirements and questions should be posed to the candidates for the Ministers of Education and Health, Jurgita Uugdinienė and Arnas Dulkis. The president, as inia, will not run for the second term of the State Comptroller’s Office for six months. Politics aside, it is sad that G. Nausda, while not badly evaluating A. Dulk as a theorist, is far from certain of his ability to become an effective crisis manager.

Of course, the president is unlikely to reject most candidate ministers, perhaps just one other. By the way, as V is written, the Government can be approved initially and various incomplete posts can be left vacant somewhere. Such a case has already existed in the recent history of Lithuania.

Thus, it is already obvious that in the approval process of the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of state will not only become a notary, only an appointment facilitator.

However, in V’s opinion, the rejection of each candidate by the president must be accompanied by very timely and incontrovertible arguments and reasons to explain such a decision to the public. Because there can be no place for personalities or elements of the political cross in this special constitutional procedure. Moreover, in the current fast-paced economic and pandemic situation, there is certainly no place or time for political games.

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