Karbauskis, who left Seimas: there was simply no other way out


Reason for leaving the name

Protesting against the decision of the new ruling majority not to appoint a representative of the LVŽS to the Board of the Seimas and to hand over the positions of the heads of the opposition committees to the representatives of the mixed members of the Seimas, R. Karbauskis announced in the Seimas who resigned. As he said, so he did, Tuesday was the last day of his work at the Seimas.

On the Delphi show, the politician said he did what he said. He said he could not name the cases in which he promised but did not keep the promise.

“It just came to our attention then. It’s just that I don’t really realize the things in my life that I don’t say or do. There are things in life that you want to achieve but cannot. each person, ”said the peasant leader R. Karbauskis about his implemented decision to withdraw from Seimas.

The LVŽS leader explained that there was simply no other way out than to leave Seimas.

“It just came to our attention then. If he hadn’t, today we wouldn’t have a situation in which the vice president of the Seimas (position, aut. P.) will be offered to us again, I think other issues will be resolved at the Seimas, what That was not done in the early political days.

Asked what he demonstrated in his passage, the head of the LVŽS stated that he had tested the objectives of the ruling coalition.

Ramūnas Karbauskis

Ramūnas Karbauskis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“We have shown that the new ruling majority tried to destroy the entire historical experience of the work of the Seimas. (…) For the first time, a faction of this size did not need to have a representative on the Seimas board, ”said the leader of the peasant party.

He also recalled the amendments to the Statute of the Seimas registered by the new governors in relation to the heads of committees and commissions that traditionally belonged to the largest faction of the opposition. According to R. Karbauskis, these amendments were withdrawn following accusations by the opposition.

“Everything was done to humiliate us. And first of all, not even us, but our voters, ”said the politician.

When asked why this decision was news to some members of the group, R. Karbauskis said that he could not tell everyone about this plan.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I spoke about this with some members of the faction as an opportunity, Saulius Skvernelis already knew about it some time ago,” said R. Karbauskis, adding that he did not inform all the LVŽS faction members about this decision as he would have managed to do it.

The former member of Seimas predicted that opposition representatives who had expressed their support for the new Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyte would not be so friendly when approving the government’s program.

“The majority of the Seimas simply tried to divide the opposition and consequently it was also seen in the vote for I. Šimonytė, when part of the Social Democratic faction simply did not participate in the vote. Quite logically, they probably thought that sharing those posts It would also win the support of those factions. But when the government’s program is approved, they will not receive that support, which raises the question of whether it will be approved, “explained the former member of Seimas.

An attempt was made to seize the instruments of opposition

R. Karbauskis denied the idea that he had left the Seimas for not receiving specific charges.

“Forgive me for smiling. What kind of government? We are in the opposition, we have not received any decision from the government. One of the main instruments that the opposition has is the Audit Committee, which is an instrument of parliamentary control. And if we talk about working in the opposition, it was an attempt to take away our instruments. That they will be returned to us was informed a couple of hours after my decision. I made a completely correct decision, because this situation has fundamentally changed, ”explained R. Karbauskis.

The head of LVŽS stated that he plans not only to form a shadow government, but also to present his program. And that was “never in 20 years”. LVŽS will have it in December-January.

He also categorically rejected claims that the conflict in the Seimas had broken out because the LVŽS, at the will of R. Karbauskis, did not appoint Rima Baškienė to the Board of the Seimas, but Aušrinė Norkienė, who was loyal to the party leader.

Tomas Tomilinas, Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis

Tomas Tomilinas, Saulius Skvernelis, Ramūnas Karbauskis

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The head of the LVŽS explained that the faction had decided on the candidate by secret ballot. And R. Karbauskis and the bizun didn’t really mention.

“The decisions of the Seimas faction are taken by majority vote, voted on by the Seimas members. If a majority votes in favor of one or the other candidate by secret ballot, that candidate will be nominated. What is my opinion? If you think that I am standing with a bison telling me how to vote … By secret ballot, our decisions are made, ”said R. Karbauskis.

The leader of the LVŽS reacted violently to the declarations that there is no democracy in the faction, it is clearly stated who, when and how to speak.

“It just came to our attention then. (…) I can’t say why he is making false statements, his sources are wrong or he is lying,” R. Karbauskis told presenter D. Žeimyte-Biliene.

Where did the conflict with the Conservatives start?

The host of the program, journalist D. Žeimytė – Bilienė, asked R. Karbauskis directly why he is constantly looking for enemies. The head of LVŽS said that this is not the case.

Are we looking for enemies? He doesn’t see that since the 2016 Seimas election, our opponents have been looking for enemies. Immediately after the elections I was released as a KGB agent, a lie was spread to explain to conservative voters why they did not want to be in power with the LVU. It all started with that. This humiliation and constant slander lasted for four years, ”said the peasant leader.

The politician affirmed that there was no opposition in the Seimas of the last legislature, a shadow government was not formed, its program was not prepared and, according to R. Karbauskis, no budget proposals were presented.

When asked what he was afraid of, the LVŽS leader said the height.

Election of the party president – next year

After leaving the Seimas, R. Karbauskis has already collected his works. The first is the formation of a shadow government and the preparation of its program.

“I am the president of LVŽS, one of my main tasks now is the formation of the shadow government. I have instructed Saul Skvernelis to form that government, I have received candidates for the shadow government ministers and now the job The main one is the following. And to have a program of that government for January, “said the politician.

“I promise,” said R. Karbauskis, when asked if he plans to continue actively participating in politics.

The election of the president of the LVŽS party promises to take place after the quarantine is over, early next year.

R. Karbauskis will participate in them again.

“I do not know the democracy in the party,” said the politician, asked if the party leader would again be elected from a single candidate.

Karbauskis, who left Seimas: there was simply no other way out

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“I can’t answer if it’s normal practice or not. If the colleagues trust me and none of the colleagues think that I would get more votes than me when I applied, then I don’t see anything terrible in that. (…) I hope there is definitely more. candidates at the party’s convention. And if I will win those elections or not will be shown by the elections themselves, “said the peasant leader.

Acting Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis hinted more than a year ago that he would join the LVŽS if the leadership changed. R. Karbauskis affirmed that everything will be decided by the party by secret ballot.

“I understand that he would very much like the LVŽS to break down. This will be decided by the people of the party in Congress, by secret ballot,” he explained.

The peasant leader said on the program that he hoped other members of the faction would not have to withdraw from the Seimas, because he had already done so.

“I hope my decision was enough and that no one has to do it anymore. Because those statements that sound now that compromises will be sought after I leave, I think they will be enough. Would there be any? I can’t say. It would be difficult to say that there is anyone who wants it ”, said R. Karbauskis, director of LVŽS, in the talk“ Conversation with D. Žeimyte – Biliene ”.

Delphi recalls that after R. Karbauskis left the Seimas, his place will be replaced by Asta Kubilienė, former parliamentarian and former chair of the Health Affairs Committee.

The LVŽS has a faction in the Seimas with 32 parliamentarians.

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