Jump in new coronavirus cases and deaths: 7 people die in Klaipeda every day, massive outbreaks in residences – in Lithuania


During the last day, 2,289 new cases of COVID-19 disease were confirmed in Lithuania, 23 people died from coronavirus, the Statistics Department reported on Wednesday.

Another 19 died of other causes.

Since the start of the pandemic, CODID-19 has infected 51,000 people in the country. 655 people, 38 thousand. 755 – still sick, 12 thousand. 282 – recovered.

A total of 432 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 186 people from other causes.

During the last day to investigate 12 thousand. 697 samples for suspected coronavirus, the total number of samples analyzed since the beginning of the pandemic is 1 million. 197 thousand 419.

The Department of Statistics has become the main source of COVID-19 data since Wednesday.

2,289 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed on the last day

The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that 2,289 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. Of these, 606 were registered in Vilnius, 559 in Kaunas, 267 in Klaipėda, 231 in Šiauliai, 145 in Panevėžys, 142 in Marijampolė counties. Another 87 cases of infection were confirmed in Alytus, 83 in Telšiai, 76 in Tauragė, and 71 in Utena counties. 22 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which to assign these cases will be determined after the epidemiological study.

Of the 2,289 positive results obtained last day, 845 entered the system late at night and at night. During NVSC working hours, 1,444 positive tests were obtained, of which 944 were epidemiologically diagnosed, the rest are performed today.

Cases where the circumstances of the infection of people are not clear, i. and epidemiological studies revealed that people did not go abroad, did not communicate with people for whom COVID-19 was confirmed, 289 were registered.

Outbreaks were recorded on the last day

On Tuesday, outbreak-related coronavirus cases were reported in the Supportive Treatment Department of Širvintos Hospital, Vilkpėdė Hospital, Ukmergė Hospital, as well as LSMU Kaunas Hospital, Raseiniai, Kėdainiai Hospitals, Department of Internal Medicine of Šakiai Hospital, Biržai , R.

23 cases of coronavirus infection, confirmed yesterday, are related to the outbreak at the Blinstrubiškės welfare home in Raseiniai district. People are residents of this institution.
Another 9 cases of infection, confirmed yesterday, according to the evaluation of epidemiologists, are related to the outbreak in the home for the elderly in the Klaipėda region of the Telšiai diocese “Caritas”. A total of 47 cases of infection have been identified in connection with the outbreak, involving 33 wards and 14 workers.

In addition, COVID-19 cases related to outbreaks in Klaipėda District Vilius Gaigalaitis Nursing Home, Palanga Nursing Home, Šalčininkai District Eišiškės Personal Health Care Center, Marijampolmp St. Marija Nursing Home, Kvėdarna nursing home, Telšiai district, Varniai nursing and supportive treatment hospital, Utena St. Clara Hospital for Nursing and Supportive Care.

In addition, on Tuesday, infection cases related to outbreaks were reported in the Pravieniškės Prison, in the Kaunas Detention Center.

On the last day, cases related to outbreaks were registered in educational institutions: Klaipėda Kindergarten-School “Varpelis”, Klaipėda Stasys Šimkus Conservatory, Klaipėda Vydūnas Gymnasium, Klaipėda Kindergarten-Kindergarten “Radastėlė”, Klaipėda Kindergarten-School “Jonavos PanuškŠimŠim. School” in the “Nykštukas” kindergarten, in the Panevėžys “Vilties” progymnasium, in the Užventis Šatrija Ragana gymnasium of the Kelmė district, in the Utena Aukštakalnis primary school.

Last day, new outbreaks were registered at the Jasiuliškės Welfare Home in Ukmergė District, Children’s Rehabilitation Department, Druskininkai “Saulutė” Hospital, Naujoji Akmenė Hospital. A new outbreak was also recorded in Kazlų Rūda Hospital, where a total of 9 cases of infection were confirmed, of which 6 occurred in the Department of Supportive Care and Nursing.

In addition, on Tuesday an outbreak of the infection was recorded in the social work home of the Gramančia Community Center in Pagramantis, Tauragė district: 14 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed: 10 residents and 4 employees became ill.

A new outbreak was also recorded at the Kybartai road post of the Kaunas Territorial Customs.
According to currently available data, 215 cases related to outbreaks in families were recorded in Lithuania on the last day.

There are 23 other deaths from coronavirus in Lithuania

NVSC reports that information was received from medical institutions last day about 23 deaths from coronavirus, people had other diseases. Currently, the infection has claimed 432 lives.

There were 7 deaths in Klaipeda County. The subjects belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, and 90-99.

5 deaths were recorded in Šiauliai county. The subjects belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89.

There were 3 deaths in Utena County. The subjects belonged to the age groups 50-59, 70-79, and 80-89.

2 deaths were recorded in Vilnius county. The individuals belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years.

2 deaths were recorded in Marijampolė county. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70-79 and 90-99.

2 deaths were recorded in Telšiai county. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70-79 and 80-89.

Last day there was a death in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80 to 89 years.

In addition, a death was recorded last day in Panevėžys county. The person belonged to the age group 70 to 79 years.

In addition, 19 deaths were recorded yesterday (8 in Vilnius, 5 in Telšiai, 3 in Kaunas and Klaipėda counties), when those infected with the coronavirus died from other causes.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

The government will decide whether to continue the quarantine until mid-December.

The outgoing government will decide on Wednesday whether to continue the quarantine in the country until mid-December, allow museums to open and go on excursions.

The quarantine amendment documents prepared by the Ministry of Health stipulate that it will be extended until December 17.

The project proposes that visits to museums and galleries be allowed for groups of no more than five people (excluding families), provided that an area of ​​10 square meters per visitor is provided and a distance of at least two meters is maintained between individuals. or groups.

Allowing tours of up to five people or a family will also be considered, provided that all other rules established by the Emergency Operations Manual are met.

With the introduction of the second universal quarantine in early November, all cultural institutions, including museums, were closed and excursions banned. The representatives of the museums called on the Government to allow their activities, as they can guarantee safe access to the exhibits.

It is also proposed that the Cabinet of Ministers review the support criteria for companies affected by the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine restrictions.

It is planned to change the comparison methodology of the economic activity of last year and the turnover of this year, taking into account if it has decreased by 30 percent, and it is also foreseen that the approval of the list of restricted activities must be approved by government. It would also include activities that are indirectly restricted and “recognized as such by the Government.”

The Acting Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, has previously mentioned that if the situation does not change or worsens, the Council of Ministers may consider restrictions on the working hours of supermarkets and shops, and the entire educational process must be carried out in a manner remote. These proposals are not yet available in the draft presented Wednesday.

According to data from Tuesday, the incidence of coronavirus in Lithuania reaches 804 cases per 100,000. population, 1,169 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed per day and 17 people died from coronavirus. In total, 49.4 thousand people have been infected with coronavirus since the start of the pandemic. more than 400 people died.

During the quarantine, masks must be worn in public places, all events are prohibited except high-level sports competitions without spectators, restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, casinos and other places of entertainment, health service centers that provide recreational services are prohibited.

The restrictions also apply to healthcare, retail outlets, educational institutions, public transportation, and other areas.
