Quarantine means 40 days, today is day 20: there will be a break


Acting Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga previously noted that it is not true that quarantine does not work at all, but the possibility of tightening restrictions is not ruled out.

For his part, the NVSC specialist pointed out that a quick quarantine result would not be expected or worthwhile.

“According to the experts, we do not have that exponential growth, doubling of cases, although the curve of the disease continues to rise, but it is a consequence of the situation, that relaxation, which existed before the quarantine.

I would also like to emphasize that the very term ‘quarantine’ means 40 days, when we can expect a result and some substantial effect. Today, Lithuania lives the twentieth day of quarantine, so a break can be expected at the end of this week, but it is not yet the most appropriate time to evaluate the results of the quarantine, ”said the chief specialist of the management department. from NVSC.

He noted that the result of the quarantine is already visible in the structure of the outbreaks.

“We just realized that there were no outbreaks related to leisure facilities. (…) however, to avoid hardening the quarantine on the occasion of the upcoming holidays, everyone must remember personal responsibility ”, emphasized G. Gargasienė.

The minister, for his part, assured that even seeing the situation improve, it is difficult to think of quarantine releases.

You will use doctors from other institutions.

A. Veryga also reported that changes are being prepared that would allow medical institutions to exchange specialists.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It is still necessary to invite doctors from other institutions to the coronavirus infection department, if necessary,” said A. Veryga.

He stressed that if additional forces were used in the event of a specialist shortage, he wanted all of this to be based on good will and cooperation. As the Minister pointed out, everything must be done by agreement of both institutions.

Said doctors will also be paid salaries, per diem, other additional expenses, as well as a supplement for work in hazardous conditions.

The laboratory will urgently purchase the equipment

There was alarming news yesterday that most of the materials needed for the COVID-19 investigation will not be sufficient by Christmas at the current testing scopes. NVSPL announces that materials will be obtained through undisclosed enhanced deals.

According to the laboratory, there are currently 514 thousand swabs left. units, and virological medium, of which 327 thousand remaining. Units will be sufficient until mid-December.

The remaining 534.5 thousand tubes. units should be sufficient by the end of December, and the necessary PCR reagents for the units will be sufficient until the beginning of January.

There are also almost 363.5 thousand left. units of RNA reagents, it is indicated that they should be sufficient by mid-February and no further purchases are planned.

However, the Office of Public Procurement (VPN) warned that in this case the law does not provide for contracting through unannounced “enhanced” negotiations, but said it intends to assist the laboratory in ongoing purchases.

More than 2,000. new cases

During the last day, 2104 new cases of COVID-19 disease were confirmed in Lithuania, 17 people died from coronavirus, the Department of Statistics reported this Thursday. Eight infected people died from other causes.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 53,000 people in the country. 757 people, 40 thousand. 459 – still sick, 12 thousand. 655 – recovered.

A total of 449 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 194 people from other causes.

During the last day, 11 thousand. 312 samples for suspected coronavirus, the total number of samples analyzed since the beginning of the pandemic is 1 million. 211 thousand 62.

Hospitals treat 1704 COVID-19 patients, 121 of whom are in resuscitation, 916 patients need oxygen and 75 have artificial lung ventilation.

Currently, approximately more than half of the hospital beds are occupied 9,027 of the 16,000. 788.

Of the 665 resuscitation beds, just over half were occupied, 382. Of the 618 beds that can be used for artificial lung ventilation, 229 are occupied, of the 6323 beds with oxygen are occupied by 2,161.

756 diseases have yet to be studied

Of the 2,104 new coronavirus cases, 756 have yet to be investigated, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) said Thursday.

“The test results are linked automatically. 756 cases have not yet been investigated. His investigation is currently ongoing, “the report said.

Of 2104 new cases, 441 were registered in Vilnius and Kaunas, 291 – in Šiauliai, 259 – in Klaipėda, 194 – in Panevėžys, 126 – in Alytus, 104 – in Tauragė, 94 – in Marijampolė, 78 – in Telšiai, 62 – in Utena counties. 14 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to be assigned to these cases will be clarified after the epidemiological survey.

The center reports that 134 people indicated to specialists that they could have hired the family, 203 people could not indicate where they could have contracted it.
