In October, the CEC allowed 13,000 people to earn € 500 each, and where did hundreds of employees earn € 5,000 each?


Among the 500 largest employers in October, who paid the most contributions to Sodra, the highest salaries were at UAB Cujo Baltic: 87 employees earned an average of 5.7 thousand in October. euros before tax. This is slightly more than in previous months, when salaries ranged from 4-5 thousand. euros.

Cujo Baltic claims that it is an international company that develops artificial intelligence (AI) products and provides innovative services to telecommunications companies. Similar salaries were paid at this company in previous months. After ranking the company’s employees according to salary from lowest to highest, the average earned 5.2 thousand. EUR (median).

UAB Spaudos kontūra, which has 124 employees, paid 5.5 thousand LTL in October. wages in euros. These are not the usual salaries of this company, since in previous months the averages fluctuated around 2,000. euros. The print shop performs polygraph quality print jobs. The average employee earned 4.3 thousand euros.

Tobacco product maker Philip Morris Baltic paid an average of 5.3 thousand. It employs 111 people. These salaries are common in the company.

Fourth – UAB Birių krovinių finishes them. In October, the average salary paid to 149 employees amounted to 5,000. euros. For the last three months, wages have been several hundred euros lower.

NFQ Technologies, a software developer with 259 employees, paid an average of 4.95 thousand in October. euros. Typically, the company had paid just over € 3,000 in pre-tax wages in the previous months.

Among the 500 largest employers, 33 companies paid more than 3,000 euros before taxes (about 1,800 euros in their hands) to employees.

The largest of them was UAB Girteka Logistics, which paid its 995 employees an average of 3.5 thousand euros each. UAB Vinted, which has 562 employees, paid an average of 3.7 thousand LTL each. Devbridge LT, a software developer with 417 employees, received 3.8 thousand euros each. euros.

Among the largest employers in October: the CEC

The largest employer was Maxima LT, with 13.2 thousand. employees paid an average of 1,035 euros in paper wages.

After that, the clinics were ranked among the largest employers. At the Kaunas clinics, 7,250 employees earned an average of 1.8 thousand. Clinicas Santara – paid an average of 2,045 thousand euros before taxes. 6250 employees work here.

Danske Bank was the fourth largest employer in terms of contributions paid to Sodra in October, employing 4,085 people and paying an average salary of € 2,581.

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) was also among the top five employers in October. A total of 13.8 thousand employees worked temporarily there, according to data from Sodra. Those who worked a full month earned an average of € 1,354. Including all temporary staff, the average is much lower, € 630 before taxes. However, more precisely, how much the temporary employee earned would reflect the employee’s median or average salary: 501.6 euros.



© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The highest averages in October – in the group “Linas Agro Group”

In the first position is the Latvian poultry producer Putnu Fabrika Kekava, owned by Linas Agro Group. In Lithuania, this company employed six employees and paid them an average of 37.3 thousand in October. According to data from Sodra. In comparison, in previous months this company in Lithuania paid around 5,000. wages, but exactly one year ago in October – 32,2 thousand. euros.

Thus, the Linas Agro Group itself, which manages 38 companies and employs 19 people, ranks second in terms of the highest average wages paid. In October, the average salary before taxes was 21 thousand. euros.

The business software company SAP, which has 4 employees in Lithuania, paid an average of LTL 18.6 thousand in October. euros before tax.

In fourth position – UAB Linas Agro konsultacijos, which disbursed an average of 16.5 thousand LTL. salaries, 5 employees work here.

Subsequently, UAB RP Pharma will be aligned, with 6 employees earning an average of 14.7 thousand each in October. euros before tax. Sodra claims that the company is engaged in the wholesale of drugs and pharmaceuticals.

AB Inter Rao Lietuva, an electricity provider with 25 employees, paid its employees an average of 12.1 thousand LTL. salaries and thus finished in sixth place.

Next – UAB Transocean Lietuva with 11.1 thousand. wages in euros. The company claims that it provides shipping services and employs 8 people.

In October, the freight transport company UAB Big Trans paid an average of 10.8 thousand LTL. It employs 13 people.

In ninth place – UAB Apple Lithuania, with 10,7 thousand. average salaries and four employees

The energy company Energogrupė completes the top ten, having paid 10,2 thousand LTL to four employees. euros.

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