Šimonytė, who has been appointed prime minister, now sees two more important tasks


“It just came to our notice then. This means that a government program must be presented within two weeks. But I don’t think it will take that long. Then the program must be approved by the Seimas, in a separate vote. This is a separate story, you must prepare for it. We will now, “I. Šimonytė told reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday.

(62 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. The Seimas approved the candidacy of I. Šimonytė for the post of Prime Minister

Last week, I. Šimonytė presented possible ministerial nominations for President Gitan Nausėda to all ministries except Agriculture. She hopes to find a consensus with G. Nausėda on the Cabinet of Ministers.

“I cannot speak for the president. The president’s opinion should be sought on his own. But I think we will find a consensus,” expected I. Šimonytė.

Kasparas Adomaitis (Freedom Party), Minister of Economy and Innovation – Aušrinė Armonaitė (LP), National Defense – Arvydas Anušauskas (TS-LKD), Minister of the Interior – Agnė Bilotaitė (TS-LKD), Justice – Evelina Dobrovolska (LP ), to health care – Arūnas Dulkys (TS-LKD), to the environment – Simonas Gentvilas (Liberal Movement), to culture – Simonas Kairys (LRLS), to energy – Dainius Kreivys (TS-LKD), to foreign affairs – Gabrielius Landsbergis (TS-LKD), social security – Monika Navickienė (TS-LKD), finance – Gintarė Skaistė (TS-LKD), education, science and sports – Jurgita Šiugždinienė (TS- LKD).

Finally, on Tuesday, it became clear that Dalia Miniataitė was being nominated for the Ministry of Agriculture.

Quote through hair

On Tuesday, I. Šimonytė, delegated by the rulers, was appointed Prime Minister only by the hair. Voting in the Seimas was tense as three opposition parties refused to support the candidate and 11 members of the Liberal Movement faction were unable to attend due to self-isolation.

62 members of the Seimas voted in favor, 10 against and 41 abstentions.

Three opposition parties of the Seimas, the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union, the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party and the Labor Party, joined in not supporting the candidacy of I. Šimonytė. A total of 56 members of the Seimas belong to these factions. Another 11 members of the Liberal Movement found themselves in self-isolation.

The Seimas approved the candidacy of I. Šimonytė for the post of Prime Minister (photo Photo Day / Justinas Auškelis)

“Aren’t they better than me?”

Before the vote, I. Šimonytė herself rhetorically asked “Is there no one better than me?” And immediately he replied: “Of course I do.” It is true that she is surprised by the criticism of some politicians about her candidacy.

“I understand the criticisms of the Government program. But that surprises me a bit. The Government program will be approved by the Seimas separately. You will also have the opportunity to discuss in detail in the committees. Apparently, there will be a lot of discussion about the document. Paradoxically The lack of a government program is attributed to me by those who did not even have an electoral program during the electoral campaign ”, pointed out I. Šimonytė.

He also responded to criticism from his fellow Seimas regarding his cabinet proposal.

“I understand that when you select people one by one, you can blame everyone. But I look at the team as a whole. I see qualities of people that seem suitable to me to do the work that is my priority, ”said I. Šimonytė.

Peasants “against”

Ramūnas Karbauskis, chairman of the Lithuanian Union of Greens and Peasants, declared Tuesday morning that the peasant faction had the unanimous intention not to support I. Šimonytė. “Our group, I hope very much, will vote against, because it is a very normal step for the opposition. I cannot say for other (opposition) factions, they will decide this morning, it would be very logical to vote” no “, R. Karbauskis told the LRT radio on Tuesday.

According to him, “if no one from the opposition votes for I. Šimonytė, it is useless for her to be approved as a candidate for prime minister.”

Last week, President Gitanas Nausėda presented I. Šimonytė’s candidacy to the Seimas, and the Seimas approved the candidacy by a simple majority of votes. The candidate then met with all the parliamentary groups.

I. Šimonytė’s candidacy for the post of prime minister is proposed by a center-right coalition, consisting of conservatives, liberals and the Freedom Party. They have 73 of the 141 seats in the Seimas.

2020-2024 Seimas member certificate delivery

Both the Labor Party and the Social Democrats did not support it

After a meeting with Ingrid Šimonyte on Monday, members of the Seimas Labor Party decided not to support her bid for the post of prime minister.

According to Vigilijus Jukna, the largest of the Labor Party faction, although during the faction’s meeting with I. Šimonyte it was clear that there was agreement on some provisions of the program, this is not enough, because the prime minister did not express a clear position on the most important provisions of the Labor Party program.

“Although we agree with some of the provisions of the program, we see that our opinions differ. A hesitant attitude to address regional problems, an adaptive approach and pulling the blanket in the interests of the coalition will eventually destroy regional politics. Furthermore, the redistribution of a slightly higher percentage of GDP will not ensure the best services for the population, we are talking about education, its quality, health protection, poverty reduction and social exclusion.

Therefore, as a constructive opposition party, we cannot support this candidacy. The Labor Party faction will abstain today, ”reports the faction elder.

Gintautas Paluckas, chairman of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, stated Tuesday morning that the Social Democratic faction had not received all the answers to I. Šimonytė’s questions.

“On the contrary, some candidates for the Cabinet of Government have pronounced themselves in their public speeches in a very interesting way and contrary to the convictions and plans of the Social Democrats in the Seimas. Therefore, we believe that the ruling majority should take responsibility for the proposed vision for the development of the state and approve its candidate with their votes.

Therefore, the Social Democrats will not vote for the candidacy of Šimonytė, “said G. Paluckas from the Seimas rostrum.

Liberals in self-isolation

Over the weekend, the National Center for Public Health informed the Liberal Movement that those who had been in contact with Covid-19 should isolate themselves. As a result, the group began working remotely.

According to the eldest of the group, Eugenijus Gentvilas, the parliamentarians were not allowed to carry out the tests.

“Constant testing would help show a more real threat, but unfortunately we were not allowed to test at the Seimas. My colleague Ričardas Juška and I tested at moving spots over the weekend. His test was negative again, I’m still waiting an answer, “said E. Gentvilas in a press release.

Covid-19 was created for the president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilyte-Nielsen, the members of the Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis and Jonas Varkalis.
