Representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises were disappointed with the size of the subsidies


Evalda Šiškauskienė, president of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association (LVRA), proposes to return 25 percent. of all taxes paid last year.

“The amount of subsidies was very disappointing, it is 25 percent. of the GPM paid. This is definitely not the amount that we discuss with the company. We offered 25 percent. of all taxes paid, at least 50% of the PIT, ”said E. Šiškauskienė in the Budget and Finance Committee (BFK) of the Seimas.

He said the sectors suffered differently.

“I would very much like to point out the need to distinguish sectors, for example, business class hotels have been closed since March. This is a segment. Other businesses are still moving around a bit, and others are doing very well. It would be very divided, whose turnover has fallen by 70 or 90 percent, ”said the president of the LVRA.
“Definitely 25 percent. Of the EPA is not the amount in question,” he emphasized.

E. Šiškauskienė was also skeptical that companies with more than 250 employees could be removed from the subsidy system.

“Regarding the elimination of large companies, we would not be entirely in agreement when it comes to our sector. Restaurant chains that unite about 60 restaurants or similar, it is that employee criterion that exceeds the limit. 42 thousand people work in our sector. employees, and it would certainly at least eliminate this criterion, ”he said.

Dalia Matukienė, president of the Council of Small and Medium Enterprises, was also disappointed with the amount of the grants.

“The same 25 percent. (Of GPM paid – ELTA) especially disappointed us. Certainly, in our opinion, it would be much more efficient and useful to redistribute those measures that have certain funds for this part of the subsidies and provide these subsidies to our small and medium-sized companies as soon as possible ”, said D. Matukienė.

According to her, the operating companies have also suffered because they simply do not receive customers.

“Today, a sector says it has 40,000 workers. I can say with great confidence that a small and small company has employed about 300 thousand people. Workers. All businesses hurt a lot when they are closed or very closed, and another business it never reaches consumers, because today everyone is told to feel at home, ”he said at the BFK meeting.

D. Matukienė also suggests that people registered with the Employment Service should participate more.

“We have written proposals for our council on measures that could outperform those people who go to the Employment Service and are paid by the state. These measures are very necessary, “he said.

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