To qualify for support, one criterion is 30% of the reduced billing


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

The Provisional Government, which has established a barrier to the two financial criteria for eligible companies, has decided to reduce the cartel requirement to those companies whose turnover has been reduced by at least 30%. It is true that even companies that do not meet this requirement can receive support if the activity is involved in restricting the flow of activities.

Additions throughout the text

On Wednesday, the government approved the business support criteria, but not yet the specific support measures, their amounts or conditions. In addition to the aforementioned drop in turnover of at least 30%, it was previously planned that the aid would be granted if at least 40% of the companies in the sector concerned had to contract at least 30%. However, such plans have been widely criticized by business representatives.

It is now one of the two criteria for a business to be eligible for support: its average monthly turnover in 2020. March 1 2020 October 31, compared to 2019. Average monthly turnover of at least 30% for the corresponding period .

Changes in invoicing are shown in the data provided in the STI VAT returns, and in the case of those who do not submit a VAT return, the data is declared.

Another criterion, according to which a person can receive support, is that their activities are limited to According to the draft Government Resolution, a company must meet at least two criteria.

The current will be established by order of the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Social Security and Labor, in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the STI. It will have to be approved by the Government.

It is assumed that in the case of mon on March 1. October 31 If you have not received income or, based on the data declared by the STI, it is not possible to determine the turnover, you may be subject to measures under the second condition to restrict activities and measures in accordance with the procedure described in the descriptions, except in cases where activities have been suspended.

Thus, the second criterion, previously approved by the Government, has disappeared: in addition to a 30% contraction in the company’s turnover, at least 40% of the companies in the relevant sector must have a contraction of at least 30% .

V recalls that the application of just the 30% reduction threshold could qualify for 60,00067,000 companies.

The EIM has previously estimated that 19,000 VAT payers will suffer a 30% drop in billing. According to his forecast, another 40,000 people do not declare VAT because they are a small business. Therefore, the total forecast of how many companies could be supported only under the 30% revenue reduction criteria for 60,00067,000 companies.

Read more about possible help scenarios here.

Apply for higher subsidies

Andrius Romanovskis, President of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, will join the Government meeting remotely, appreciated your comments on one of the 30% criteria, but also on the amount of the planned grant of 25% of the PIT of the year past, as well as the exclusion of large companies.

V recalls that up to now the Government has only ruled on the general criteria for the distribution of aid, but not on its specific measures. In the new support package, these measures are envisaged as grants and soft loans.

I understand that there is no text in the text of that resolution, but it is important to seek his opinion, wherever he leads for some time, A. Romanovskis will address the members of the Government.

The budget is being considered. Amount and criteria of support Today we say who could be supported, and how much, in what amount, we currently have financial opportunities, says Rimantas Sinkeviius, Acting Minister of Economy and Innovation.

Acting Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis added that the government’s time is coming to an end and it is difficult to say what the future will look like.

There will be room for improvement, but it will be the prerogative of the next government, since it will also have to do with the budget. At the current stage, our vision and suggestion are as follows. In the case of large companies, aid measures are not universal: some are more suitable for small companies, others for large ones. Big business is not eliminated in any way, the support is related to the fall of the Business Support Fund, I am convinced that it is a more appropriate measure, but of course the new government will be able to decide otherwise, said the interim minister of Finance Vilius Apoka.

Rta Vainien, Executive Director of the Association of Business Enterprises, pointed out that calculating the 6-month turnover is too long and gave the example from Latvia that the support distribution there takes the turnover of 3 months before the quarantine.

R. Vainien sil did not elaborate on the term.

R. Sinkeviius responded that the proposed project with a 30% contraction of billing or access to restrict activity must be approved and in order to save time in order to request a support measure from the European Commission.

Vidmantas Januleviius, president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, also thanked the Government for leaving only the criterion of 30% drop in turnover.

Pay sra: 55,000 moni

V recalls that EIM has provided a limited, tentative, yet coordinated flow of activities. November 18 The correspondence stream delivered by EIM included mamenin trading; passenger transport; accommodation and food service activities (NACE 5556); projection of moving images; travel agent, tour operator, reservation service and related activities; organization of business meetings and events; other education (NACE 85), other residential care activities (NACE 87), arts, entertainment and recreational activities.

According to the temporary restriction of activities, 55,000 people could receive support.

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