Hot tub: a non-ministerial title determines the results


“There are many considerations for young people who do not have master’s degrees or any special management experience in business, agricultural enterprises. Those arguments do not seem very important to me, people come with more or less political experience who are dedicated to one field or another, “said A. Kubilius on Wednesday on the” Pozinių radio “program.

According to the politician, in the course of the job it will become clear who of the ministers manages to work and who should possibly resign.

“Only life will show how they will manage to do that responsible ministerial job. Someone, I hope, will really succeed and we will see new political stars on the rise. It may be difficult for some people and they may have to decide whether to continue that job, but they are natural things, ”said the former prime minister.

Speaking about the new government, A. Kubilius also emphasized that “it symbolizes a new stage in the life of our state, since most of the candidates for ministers are somewhat older than the independence of Lithuania.”

“The next generation, which has already matured, grew up in the Soviet era, they are different from our generation, and this is their advantage: they communicate with each other and with the world in a completely different way,” noted A. Kubilius.
He also said that it is not necessary for a minister to have a degree higher than a bachelor’s degree. A similar debate in the public space was sparked by the presentation of the candidate for Minister of Justice, Evelina Dobrovolska, who does not have a master’s degree in law.

“I cannot underestimate or say that if a candidate does not obtain a master’s degree, she will already be a bad minister. If we look at the Lithuanian experience, the same justice (Ministry of Justice – ELTA) has been headed by doctors of law and professors, but we do not remember what something significant like those ministers could do. It is not those criteria that determine. (…) Everything will be demonstrated with more life and skill, ”added A. Kubilius.

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