Lithuania’s most generous companies: which paid the highest wages every October Business


Financial technology, pharmaceutical, chemical and energy companies with around 20 to 30 employees: These are the companies that pay the highest salaries in Lithuania, according to data from Sodra.

And to reveal who is really the most generous, it is fair to compare not the average wages deducted from all wages, but the median.

The average salary of the company is determined by aligning the salaries in ascending or descending order and taking the amount of salaries in the middle. Therefore, calculating wages in this way can give a better picture of the wages of most employees than simply deriving the average.

About 10 thousand. In Lithuania, only one pays

Uber Lithuania Software and Development, which has the highest salaries in Lithuania, has 46 employees and employs the majority of programmers in Lithuania. And there are rumors among IT professionals in the market that it is very difficult to get into this company.

Unsurprisingly, in October, the median salary for Uber Lithuania Software and Development was not only the highest in Lithuania, but even 3.4 thousand. higher than the second largest companies.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Uber logo

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Uber logo

In October, Inter Rao Lietuva, with 23 employees, ranked second in terms of highest salaries, and average salaries amounted to 6,050 euros.

Inter Rao Office in Lithuania

Inter Rao Office in Lithuania

The third is the maritime transport and logistics company BPA (Baltic Port Agency), which has 22 employees and pays an average salary of 5,900 euros, and which took first place in July.

In fourth place we find a Lithuanian start-up with 91 employees: Cujo Baltic. The company, which develops solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies for telecommunications companies and home users, had a median salary of 5,485 euros in October.

In fifth place is the British fintech Railsbank Technology, which has moved from the United Kingdom due to Brexit: the company with 33 employees and an average salary of 5,427 euros is among the top ten companies with the highest salaries every month.

Zedge Lithuania, a small company with 19 employees, ranks sixth with an average salary of 5,250 euros.

The largest company in the top ten is the pharmaceutical company Berlin Chemie Menarini Baltic, which employs 70 people and has an average salary of 5,247 euros.

Each month, the pharmaceutical company Abbvie is among the top ten highest paid companies, with an average salary of € 5,202 in October, and the innovative Mambu cloud platform for German financial service providers with € 5,182.

The top ten is completed by the representative office of the French manufacturer of alcoholic beverages in our country Pernod Ricard Lietuva, which has 28 employees and an average salary of 5,151 euros.
