Cry for health: experts have listed the benefits of crying for the human body


“Crying is a very strong non-verbal method of expressing a concentrated excess of feelings. Tears work in a similar way to laughter, but with much more force. A man cries when he is sad and when he is happy, when he suffers, when he has fear, when he is jealous and when he is anxious. Tears, as a gift from nature, are an irreplaceable way of expressing emotions “, says psychologist Rosita Pipirienė.

According to her, crying can be equated with the feeling that something that we cannot say orally, write in a diary or draw on paper flows from within, because it is difficult to feel. That is why, with rare exceptions, a baby who has just seen the world cries. He starts laughing a lot later, in three or four months.

The physical benefits of tears for the body.

According to Inga Pociulienė, a pharmacist at Gintarinės vaistinė, crying has a calming effect: it reduces stress, regulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to relax, according to a press release. Crying also improves mood, reduces pain, because crying releases the so-called happiness hormones oxytocin and endorphins, and when crying there is a feeling of relief and calm.

“Crying lowers blood pressure, lowers heart rate, reduces stress and aggression, because tears also remove some manganese from the body. If the body accumulates a large amount, aggression, irritability, chronic fatigue increase. Crying also improves vision, as tears prevent the mucous membrane of the eye from drying out. In addition to tears, toxins are removed from the body; tears contain large amounts of stress hormones. All these processes reduce the chances of heart disease, “he says.

The woman is crying

The woman is crying

According to I.Pociulienė, both crying and smiling or laughing are good for human health. In both cases, the hormones of happiness are released into the bloodstream, which improves the physical and emotional well-being of the person.

Crying is the fastest way to release tension

According to R. Pipirienė, energetic tears are the fastest way to remove psychosomatic tension from the body, such as migraine, which is sometimes called untreated tear disease. Therefore, when a person has a migraine attack, they are even advised to cry; crying reduces tension in the head area.

“If a person is reluctant to cry, either alone or with other people, then psychosomatic tension increases. It is also possible to shed the emotional charge in other ways, but crying provides a faster and deeper way to clarify the essence where it does not fit in words or images. In addition, tears have a reason to draw closer, because we can only cry to someone we trust or when we give ourselves to him. Loving people who do not dare to openly shed tears steal from each other, because it is the crying that shows a real connection, the closeness in a relationship ”, explains the psychologist.

She says her heart rate increases while she cries, but doubles or even triples when she cries. Crying itself exhausts the body, physically exhausts it, but in an emotional sense it always brings relief – this is the uniqueness of tears.

Crying seems to cleanse the human psyche, but it drains the body. Sometimes it is very good for the body to get tired when there is a lot of tension or stress, because afterwards we can fall asleep more peacefully ”, R. Pipirienė is convinced.

We are afraid to cry, we forbid even children to do that

Gintarinės vaistinė pharmacist says the stereotypical attitude that only the weak cry is slowly changing, but it is still difficult for society to get rid of them.

Cry for health: experts have listed the benefits of crying for the human body

“Very often, even young children, especially children, are still told: don’t cry, you are big. This creates the attitude you need to squeeze and not show your emotions, otherwise you will be considered weak. Still “The opposite is true. Showing our emotions, crying or enjoying ourselves is necessary for us to be healthy both physically and emotionally,” he says.

R. Pipirienė secondary to the pharmacist, saying that to think that a person who cries is weak, typical of the world of Western society. According to the specialist, if you cry, you are weak and unnecessary, and the weak fall out of the leadership society. If a person turns around in public, he will be expelled: fired from work, the spouse will not make love, if he turns to the children, the latter will think that their mother or father are not successful.

“I see that this attitude still prevails in my practice, even children can no longer cry freely and without restrictions, they need to do so because they do not have enough words to say how they feel. If we do not cry, we repress strong emotions in children, nervous tics and night urination can begin. Parents ask me what happened and I ask them when was the last time their son cried; I often hear the answer “I don’t know.” If even children are not allowed to cry, much less talk about adults ”, says the psychologist about the situation.

According to her, crying makes people vulnerable and many are very afraid of it. This is normal because a person must have a defense system. Also, crying in public places is not acceptable as it can throw those around you off balance.

“During crying, a person shows his true self. As a result, some are reluctant to cry even when alone because they do not allow themselves to be vulnerable. When we confess to ourselves, crying in silence, we become much stronger, because only strong people dare to recognize their weakness ”, emphasizes R. Pipirienė.

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