TILS: Possibly unknown about 10 percent. money spent fighting a pandemic Business


The organization reports in July with inquiries from the top 12 COVID-19 patient hospitals and major contracting organizations. In addition, they presented 136 contracts with 73 suppliers for almost 8 million. therefore, according to TILS, increase the transparency of the COVID-19 acquisition by at least one-tenth.

TILS sought to complement the data on goods and services acquired to combat COVID-19 opened by the Office of Public Procurement (VPN) in January-May of this year.

Following an update, the total amount of COVID-19 purchases from these organizations is at least 77 million euros. euros.

“This pandemic is kind of a test of the transparency of our state. It is gratifying that we were one of the first in the world to open up COVID-19 acquisition data and set an example for others. I hope that in the near future we will take on others. important steps: we will centralize public procurement, have a list of trusted vendors, and start publishing public procurement data in an open format in one place, ”said Sergei Muravyov, Director of TILS.

Luke April / 15 min photo / Sergei Muravyov

Luke April / 15 min photo / Sergei Muravyov

According to the survey, eight of the ten contracts submitted were low value and about half of them could be awarded through unpublished surveys.

Most hospitals and other institutions bought protective equipment and disinfectant liquid (34%), medical equipment (22%), drugs, pharmaceuticals (13%).

The acquired tools were distributed to 224 different bodies according to the data provided by 7 of the 12 contracting authorities.

During the period under review, almost half of all contracts concluded had not yet been executed. According to 8 of the 12 institutions that provided this data, approximately five out of ten contracts were completed, approximately four out of ten were fulfilled or partially fulfilled, and ten contracts were terminated.

Hospitals also received at least 2 million. support for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Five of the six hospitals provided supporting information. The lowest value of support amounted to 0.01 euros per air purifier-ionizer, the highest – 213 thousand. for personal protective equipment. The value of any aid was not reported, only the amounts were reported by the reporting hospitals.

Based on the data provided, some providers won public procurement in those treatment facilities that received support during the first wave of COVID-19.

The review was prepared by looking at 12 COVID-19 patient hospitals and the largest contracting organizations (Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Klaipeda University Hospital, Center for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Health, Administration of the Municipality of the City of Vilnius, Agency of Defense Resources of the Ministry of Health, VUL Santara Clinic, Ministry of Health, Republic Panevėžys Hospital, Šiauliai Republican Hospital, LSMU Kaunas Clinic, Lithuanian Railways, Lithuanian Airports).

The review is part of the 12-nation Open Contracting Association initiative. Its goal is to better assess the scope of public procurement conducted during the first wave of COVID-19.
