Unelected former MPs work as assistants to former colleagues


After the new elections to the Seimas, Vida Ačienė, a former member of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) faction, became an assistant to MPs Eugenijus Jovaiša and Aušrinė Norkienė.

E. Jovaiša will also be attended by Arūnas Gumuliauskas, former president of Freedom Fights and the State Commission for Historical Memory.

Former president of the “peasant” Health Affairs Committee Asta Kubilienė will also help two members of the Seimas – Arvydas Nekrošis and Aurelijus Veryga.

However, she may soon return to the Seimas as a parliamentarian, as the leader of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union, Ramūnas Karbauskis, announced that he was resigning from the Seimas. According to the list of candidates of LVŽS al Seimas, A. Kubilienė would take his place.

Another “peasant” Audronė Jankuvienė became an assistant to A. Norkienė and Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė.

The “social worker” Juozas Bernatonis became assistant to Seimas Zigmantas Balčytis member Artūras Skardžius, who participated in elections with the Labor Party, assistant to Vytautas Gapšis, Levutė Staniuvienė, assistant to Antanas Vinkus, who ran with the ” farmers”.

A. Nekrošius, a member of the LVŽS faction, told BNS that at the end of the twelfth term of the Seimas, the faction even argued that unelected MPs could help elected ones.

“There was a discussion in the faction about who were the members of the Seimas, what was their competence, what they were capable of, why they were paying. A certain list was drawn up and the positions were designated by consensus, which could be used to employ these people, because their skills are quite high, ”said A. Nekrošius.

According to him, in the first place, an attempt was made to use the experience of former chairmen of committees and commissions, which is why both A. Kubilienė and A. Gumuliauskas are among the deputy members of the Seimas.

On the other hand, A. Nekrošius admitted that it is not easy for politicians to find a job after the end of his term.

“There is a situation in which, after a mandate, a member of the Seimas usually has difficulties to find a job, especially in the employed sector. He values ​​the dependence of his party, certain decisions, which usually make it difficult for these people to find work. I am not talking about the public sector, if you go back to your previous job then it will be easier to get a job, ”A. Nekrošius told BNS.

V. “Gapšys”, who employed A. Skardžiai, stated that he also wanted to use the experience of the former parliamentarian until he found another job.

“It’s just that the man has more free time now, he had no work plans at the moment, so I invited him to the team because I wanted to strengthen it, because I plan to work in the Energy and Sustainable Development Commission,” the parliamentarian told BNS.

“But as I spoke to him, it is a temporary position. We will probably already relocate in a different way in the spring session. It is unlikely that he will work for me for such salary for long,” added V. Gapšys.

The Statute of the Seimas establishes that three positions of official of political trust (personal) will be established for each member of the Seimas. According to the decision of the Board, the sum of all their salary coefficients may not exceed 21.8.

According to A. Nekrošius, in this way an assistant receives on average about 700 euros.

“On the Vilnius scale, wages are not very high, but regionally, it is quite a significant wage,” says the “farmer”.

At that time, according to V. Gapšis, a person who had just graduated or was looking for work temporarily could be employed for that salary.

“A person comes, wakes up a few months, half a year before looking for another job and leaves. (…) The salary in the hands is lower than the average salary, so we are not competitive with that salary to attract specialists, “he said.

The law allows hiring the same person for a maximum of one and a half positions.

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