LNK in “Masks” – three more participants who showed their faces, not even one of the commission members knew their wives


The charming woman managed to hide her participation in the project from friends and family all this time.

“It just came to our notice then. Several actors tried to catch me, saying that the Owl moves from ‘Masks’ like me. Once with friends, we went to the farm, where a TV trailer was aired. The company started discussing the project out loud, I supported them, but inside I wanted to laugh like that … I barely controlled myself. They would have understood everything in an instant. The next time I went with a friend to borrow a book. She was sitting on the couch watching ” Masks. “I sat next to him, I discussed with the participants, I guessed who is that Unicorn, what is that eye, what is that Boružėlė. And again, sitting there, I was seized by an unwieldy creak. Supernatural means of coping. I think I was recognized for the first time by the coach Giedrius Savickas, whom I love very much as a friend and colleague. We have played a lot together. I will not hide, it was very fun for me to wear it by the nose “, says the talented actress of the series” Serious business “T. Vaškevičiūtė in the LNK press release.

The owl costume gave the ambitious actress many challenges.

“The mask severely restricts movement. With the Owl costume, I sometimes felt very strange. A couple of times when I allowed myself to honestly move during the show, I almost had a heart attack. You see, there is severe shortness of breath with the mask, almost nothing is visible, so when you move more actively and stay with it longer, you no longer even understand where you are on the left or right. The strangest thing is that it seemed like he was scratching madly on stage, and watching the show you see that you are moving just a little bit, ”says actress T. Vaškevičiūtė about the challenges she experienced during the most watched television project“ Masks ”. The woman does not hide, she soon prepares to sing again. “I received an invitation to participate in another project and I couldn’t resist. You see, it wasn’t until I sang that I realized how much I love doing it. Clearly, it is a great pity that I do not have as many talents as others. I admit it, I envy all those who sing well. I also realized that this is not just stage fun. Singing is a serious activity that requires a lot of stamina and energy, ”says actress T. Vaškevičiūtė, a participant in Lithuania’s most popular television project, who shares her impressions.

This time in “Masks” – more than ever among the members of the commission. The commission was first impressed by newcomer Elnias who appeared on stage.

“Well, we keep making fun of Leonard Pobedonoscev. I have seen him for a long time as a participant, but I did not even imagine that he would become one of the participants of the show, and then he would comfortably sit next to him and become one of us. This one. is one of the biggest and most pleasant surprises for me. I thought they would end tonight, but what I expected after that … Well, I have never seen such an elongated face of Krzysztof Lavrinovich before “, the commission of the television project more Seen “Masks” shares her impressions of the rookie deer and other surprises from the show Member Livija Gradauskienė.

Tatjana Lavrinovič hid under the flower guise tonight in the most popular TV project “Masks”.

“I was stunned. I know from the side that it seems strange that I didn’t know my wife. And very strange to me. I don’t understand how and why I didn’t manage to do that. I had absolutely no expectation that I could meet her here, that she would dare and come to sing, that she could not tell me anything. Well, until now I can’t explain how it happened, ”said Kšištof Lavrinovičius, a basketball player and member of the LavTwins duo.

There will only be many surprises. The semifinal of the most watched program in Lithuania “Kaukės” – already next Sunday, 7.30 pm. by LNK.

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