Who, where, when: how not to take risks when choosing a 15MAX electricity supplier


The state-owned company Ignitis now supplies electricity to all domestic consumers, but with the entry into force in June of amendments to the law that gradually eliminate price regulation in the electricity retail market in Lithuania by 2023, domestic consumers will have to choose independent electricity providers.

By December 10 of this year, or during the so-called first stage, the supplier must choose the population that consumes 5000 kWh and more per year of electricity. They are mostly owners of larger private homes that also illuminate patios or garages.

By December 10, 2022, this will need to be done for consumers consuming between 1,000 and 5,000 kWh of electricity. Families living in larger apartments are already eligible for this category.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / High voltage cables

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / High voltage cables

By December 2023, all remaining household consumers will have to choose a provider.

Regardless of the deadlines, the provider can already be chosen by whoever wants.

Those who have chosen this year and have not had time to do so will have to pay a quarter more for electricity as of January 1. Said guaranteed supply service will be provided by the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO), but can be provided for up to six months.

VIDEO: The obligation to choose an electricity supplier is used not only by residents, but also by scammers.

What to choose?

Seven companies compete in the liberalized electricity market due to the attention of consumers.

The small company Birštonas elektra declares on its website that it is a new company with Lithuanian capital and that the electricity it supplies is produced in Kaunas CHP.

Another provider, EGTO Energija, does not provide much information on its website, but only claims that it offers an “innovative approach and freedom to control your choices.”

In any case, the whole process is not pleasant as each user has to do some work. This is not attractive because people do not want to do a job that they think someone has come up with.

Meanwhile, Elektrum Lietuva is a subsidiary of the Latvian state energy company Latvenergo. It brings together 750 thousand people in all the Baltic countries. customers and 50 percent. the electricity it sells is from renewable sources.

Enefit, an Estonian subsidiary of Eesti Energia, operating in the Lithuanian market for 13 years, also provides electricity to Lithuanians.

Probably no one needs to file Lithuanian state owned Ignitis, which is currently a public provider.

Another player in the market, Inregnum, presents itself as an independent energy provider offering electricity, gas and green energy from the Nord Pool exchange. The company is part of a private group of Lithuanian-owned companies operating in the fields of energy, logistics, business consulting and training.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / High voltage cables

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / High voltage cables

The Perlas Energija company does not mention anything about itself on the website, but the Perlo brand itself is undoubtedly well known in Lithuania for lotteries in commercial stores and terminals.

What do we choose?

According to the latest data, more than 35 thousand people have already chosen an electricity supplier. of 98 thousand. the population in the first stage.

New annual subscribers receive a Christmas tree as a gift!

