Artūras Zuokas, who spoke openly about the real reasons for the divorce and the dependencies of his wife Agnė: we, our relatives, can no longer change anything.


The interlocutor assures that one of the biggest problems of people today is rudeness, aggression and the reason for all this is social networks. Being there calm and good will probably not be noticed, and here you write a worse post, you will get more reactions. So you want more and more of those reactions. Therefore, according to A. Zuokas, that evil travels among people …

Asked if it was true that he opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in Lithuania, the interlocutor confirmed it and told how difficult the “project” was.

“It just came to our attention then. As I always tell young people when I give lectures, never be afraid to ask or ask in life, because it can open many doors. As a sophomore, I wrote a letter to the authorities of this network. They, a solid company, told me that they do not plan to do business in the Baltic countries, but they offered to pay the franchise 150 thousand dollars and they will teach me how to bake those fries. I thought how naive they were: if I had that much money, I really wouldn’t fry those potatoes. That’s what I forgot about this question. For comparison, I can say that at that time I bought an apartment in Antakalnis for 2 thousand dollars. This can give you an idea of ​​how much money it was.

Well, a couple of years later, I got an invitation from the McDonald’s executives to come to Riga, where they open a restaurant and talk business. It turns out that my consultation was with them somewhere the entire time. We drew up a business plan in Riga, we acquired a premises in Vilnius and thus opened the first restaurant of this chain on Gediminas Avenue. A few years later, we sold this business for LTL 7 million. Excluding all loans, I have about 1.2 million left. dollars At that time I was between 25 and 26 years old, ”recalls A. Zuokas.

When asked about the times when he worked as a war journalist in Iraq and Iran, the former mayor of Vilnius says his life was in danger more than once.

“But when he does, he doesn’t think about the dangers. An incident happened near Baghdad, it was already dark, we got into a shootout while driving. The driver drives with the lights on, we are like an open target. We tell you to turn off the lights, fly in complete darkness at a speed of 120 km / h. Then that driver stops abruptly, gets out and runs away …

Another incident took place in Georgia, Abkhazia. I also got into shooting when rolling because a sniper is shooting. Or I have posted a video of myself on YouTube when a bullet passes so close to me that I feel it in my hair and my camera records the sound of a bullet flying. Then I didn’t even realize it. Everything happened here in Nagorno-Karabakh, I had learned the rule that if you hear a bullet hiss it means to shoot you, I fell into the snow and during the editing of the report I realized that it was barely alive in my hair, ”recalled A. Zuokas.

The man claims that up to three of his friends died while working at work. It is true that they were not Lithuanian. And what led Arthur to such dangerous areas? Good earnings? Adrenalin?

“Always in life what I did, I had no reason for money. Most importantly: being interesting would be meaning and lasting value. And where is not easy to get to. As soon as I got into journalism, I decided to specialize in military journalism and then found out that I paid for it. As a student (although I was not a very good student, I was not even in Lithuania for half a year), I was earning between 2 and 4 thousand dollars a month. For comparison, I can say that by exchanging a dollar for “vagnorkes”, I was able to fill a full tank of fuel for my car, “says a guest of the program” Inconvenient questions.

When asked if he had seen jokes online about himself, also known as memes, A. Zuokas said that he considered him to have a sense of humor, which is why he made fun of them.

“And I like to click, and sometimes I write comments. I wouldn’t even think about that, people still create a new story out of some situation. And the fact that many of those memes show my creativity in a way. We complement each other. “It wouldn’t be me, there would be nothing to do with those memes. We have to pay to laugh at each other.” It’s not an offensive laugh, but one that makes you look at you from the side, “said the politician.

Then on the show, viewers asked if the former mayor “took the smoke and you know what.” To clarify the question, R. Mackevičius asked: have you tried any drugs?

“I stopped smoking cigarettes in third grade and I no longer smoked. And anyway (drug – red.past.) I have tried it in a country where it is legal. Let’s be honest, I’ve tried it twice. I didn’t feel much the first time, but maybe there’s always something here when I try something for the first time. I have had cupcakes, but there was no effect. And once I smoked a roll. It made me laugh a lot and sleep well then, but that doesn’t mean it has to be done every day. I consider myself a person who controls my passions. Sometimes deviating from the rules is not wrong. Unfortunately, nowadays most people cannot do it and it is a problem, “said A. Zuokas.

He does not hide the fact that he also visited the Red Light District called the prostitute district while visiting the Netherlands, but he is glad that this is not the case in Vilnius.

“Let’s not forget that such an area was established there not because of the desire to show how free they are, but because of the desire to control prostitution,” recalled the interlocutor.

When asked by another viewer if A. Zuokas had an affair with “Ikona” (thus encoding the last name of Agnė Jagelavičiūtė, who was previously the editor-in-chief of the publication with this name – ed. Post), the guest of the program denied it .

“I read and heard something, but no, I did not have a novel. I know Agnė well, we communicate, he is a really great personality, a good example of his development, but there were no novels, except innocent kisses on the chin,” said the politician.
When the audience asked what his current relationship was with his wife Agne Zuokiene, if they were communicating and forgot their complaints, A. Zuokas replied, barely holding back his tears for a moment.

“It just came to our attention then. They are not that common now because of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, it is as it is,” said the man currently going through divorce.

And what was the reason for them?

“Here perhaps Agnė could better answer these questions, because on his initiative all this happened. I don’t think I would have committed myself to such an action, despite a complex relationship that lasted for quite some time. You know, people change over time. Some accept these changes, others do not. I think only those who have had similar experiences can understand me. In any case, I am glad that we have been together for 27 years, raised three children, had a good and interesting life, although perhaps Agnė I would say it is not enough. Give it to God today to stand up. There are certain things that I have also said publicly, the family members can no longer change anything. There is her decision, her actions that could change the situation. That she can Doing it, I have no doubt, she is intelligent, educated, and it is a pity to see that she has chosen the path that leads I do not know where, “said A. Zuokas.

When asked about A. Zuokienė’s dependence on alcohol and how one person in the family feels about it, the man said he did not want to touch this topic too much.

“The topic of addictions has always been very close in my life. I grew up in a family where Mom and Dad had these problems, my two brothers also, one of them left quite early due to Anapillin, the other is constantly in balance on the border. Yes, Agnė has addictions, but she has to deal with them herself. It hurts when you realize that loved ones can no longer help, and more painful that I only found out now that experts explained that pity is the worst in a situation like this. When you try to cover up situations, help, do not irritate, protect yourself from publicity, because in the end it turns against the same person and your loved ones. I only realized that very late. Unfortunately, anyone who has these experiences understands how difficult it is. This is the first rule: the affected person must be willing to stand on their own two feet. Get to the bottom, hold on, and then stand up. This is the main problem that today we are where we are, ”said A. Zuokas.

He said that he had Agne to thank in a way that she had done and that he is doing everything he can to facilitate Zuokas’ divorce.

“I mean, with his behavior, he makes the situation much easier for me. His intentions, threats of divorce, accompanied me for many years, but I accepted them philosophically. I thought that a person needs to change, he has an objective reason: he wants to change everything. This is it. the case of many, including me. And now I want everything to be over as soon as possible, those courts, it’s easy to break and voila. Was the reason for the divorce that she wanted a change? She needs a change. For a person to wear standing up, it is necessary to change many things. And we, as loved ones, have done and done everything. I pray for it to be successful. Because it is not easy to see a person with whom you have been for many years, “said A. Zuokas .

When R. Mackevičius noted that the remaining person is prone to even greater depression, to self-destruction, the interlocutor who is currently in the process of divorce said that this is a very serious topic and that it would be better not to touch it.

“Loneliness is a deadly matter. Especially when you see the nonsense that is nearby. Especially knowing that Agnė’s sister has left Anapillin exactly that way. Even during the domestic conflict, I tried not to go beyond a certain limit, I continued thinking about it. There are nuances in every family that nobody sees, nobody knows. Unfortunately, today the law, the public attitude is about “your problem is your problem.” Sometimes coercion is inevitable. The point is that I am loading, you have to do that. Try. It is impossible for us to do this, even if we want it without the consent of the same person. It seems that we are defending human rights, but the right to what? Stay alone where you should not be “But I’m optimistic. Agnė is a strong person, has a strong will, and we and her children wish her the same: to stand up and move on,” said Zuokas.

When asked if his wife’s allegations of violence against her were true, the interlocutor said that it was also one of those things where a woman goes to great lengths to facilitate a divorce.

“I have been called to the police more than once, allegedly using violence, even during the electoral campaign, but thank God the media did not find out. The investigation lasted half a year, perhaps longer, but now the investigation is over and Agnė has been warned that he cannot make false accusations in pursuit of some of his objectives. I have never raised my hand in my life, not against children, and even more so against women ”, – assured A. Zuokas.

What the politician thinks about the humorist Oleg Shurayev, who made fun of him painfully, and his problems, what would he give to his rival Remigijus Šimašis in exile on this uninhabited island, the whole truth about the infamous story of the “Subscriber” and bribes on top.

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