Wages have been raised and new workers hired even during a pandemic: 2,000 new jobs are being prepared


Delphi The Monetary Affairs program shows covered examples of how the pandemic did not stop companies’ investment and development plans. An example of this is the Teltonika group of companies. This company began operating in Lithuania in 1998. Currently, the development of different products in the company is divided into separate companies: Teltonika Telematics is responsible for transport management solutions, GPS, Teltonika Networks – network equipment such as routers, modems , Teltonika EMS – electronics manufacturing services, Teltonika Telemedic – innovative products in the field of medicine.

Arvydas Paukštys, the founder of the Teltonika group of companies, says that all activities are growing, around 100 new employees are already being sought and salaries are increasing by about 20-30% every year.

Awaiting certification for the manufacture of lung ventilators

When the pandemic began in Lithuania in the spring and the first quarantine was introduced, Teltonika announced that it would manufacture lung ventilation equipment. As A. Paukštys said on the show, a prototype is currently being produced, a certificate is expected, and then further production will take place.

“The wave of demand has fallen in the summer, but we continue with the certification process. It is a lot, we are waiting for the clinical trials to finish so that we can export to the world. The trial of clinical trials had stopped in the summer, no one was in a rush. We are waiting for another month when it will be tested there, then we can start mass production, ”he said, mentioning that the equipment will be sold in Europe, Latin America and India.

According to A. Paukštys, it is expected that after receiving the certificate, it will be possible to sell the first hundred pulmonary ventilation devices, even in several different countries, and then collect thousands of orders. In addition, after the pandemic, this equipment will continue to be manufactured and the field of telemedicine will develop.

Arvydas Birds

Arvydas Birds

© Stopkadras

“We should start making heart rate bracelets from March. This is also a telemedicine project that we are doing together with Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). This is the first interesting business science project of its kind in which it materializes all the ideas and sells them to the mass consumer. Then we created many other projects, we have plans to diagnose diabetes, ”says A. Paukštys.

Company growth is shared with employees

The founder of the Teltonika group of companies says that turnover is growing successfully today. Plans are for even more growth and new jobs, but workers are hard to find.

“We want to create a hundred jobs in a few weeks. It is very difficult to attract people. We have production, but because of the pandemic we need to isolate the shifts, reduce the risk. We are missing at least a hundred people now. We also look at the districts, We are looking maybe to do development, helping smaller districts. And in Vilnius we accept a lot of people in production here now. We have a lot of orders, we have the challenge to do them before the New Year.

If we fulfill all the requests and find those people urgently, that’s 34 percent. we should (annual growth – Delphi), if we can’t attract people that fast, it will be 30-31%. growth is minimal, ”said A. Paukštys.

According to him, all four niches were growing, so new employees were hired throughout the period from the beginning of the year. According to him, at the beginning of the year there were about 650, and now there are about 960.

People need to understand that what we create together, we share together. Our goal every year, after that 20-30%, is to share that value with our employees.

Arvydas Birds

“Our business model is that we work with all countries in the world. We export our products to 150 countries. We have offices in 17 countries around the world, where our employees work. When in some countries, such as India, a ‘closure ‘Complete, we couldn’t even bring goods, Latin America was more successful then. Then the virus was launched in Latin America, we started working in Asia, that’s how the pandemic in Europe ended. This is how we go in a circle: in some countries the demand appears in others. This is how we balance that risk with many clients and many countries “, says A. Paukštys about the business.

Regarding the employees and their attraction to the company, A. Paukštys mentions that they are trying to pay high salaries, and in a few years and reach the “European level”. According to him, salaries in the group of companies are growing at an average of about 30 percent annually.

“This year, from what we have seen in Lithuania, among the companies that have the same number of employees, our salaries are the highest in Lithuania. I think we will be able to attract employees, and we will also invest a lot in training, building an academy. (… ) As we restructure, we divide the companies into niches.The total average of all companies last year was € 2,800 (before tax – Delphi) and this year is expected to be around € 3,300.

Our goal every year, after that 20-30%, is to share that value with our employees. Here is a very simple formula. People need to understand that what we create together, we share together. If we don’t create, we don’t have anything to divide either. The robotization, the laboratory, the export markets that we have are creating an increasing added value. Our goal is to achieve a productivity of more than 50 euros an hour, currently we are approaching 40 euros an hour. Some niches are likely to quickly hit € 100 an hour due to the management of high value-added products that create design. In production, perhaps, where there is no robotic work, productivity is still not that high, so we try to robotize production as much as possible ”, said A. Paukštys in the program” Monetary matters “.

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

© Company archive

When asked what specialization employees were seeking, the founder of the Teltonika group of companies stated that common professions include engineering, programming, construction and management.

“This means that no matter what type of person a person has graduated from, if they have the ability to learn, we invite them to find their talents and help them develop. We have been developing the Internet of Things, B2B (business-to-business) academies for three years, and we would like to raise the level of the cartel at this level and carry out certain trainings not only for our employees, but also around students or interested parties. in these technologies. We would like to come to schools to show that engineering, programming, a highly qualified person will always have the opportunity to achieve more. There is room to work, the most important thing is that high technology in Lithuania is really the future. I think people have to choose these professions, focus on the choice of technical specialties and they will have to apply their skills and reveal themselves, ”said A. Paukštys.

People are our oil. Our Lithuanians are so talented that so many foreign investments have not been attracted to Lithuania for nothing.

Arvydas Birds

The school has plans for the future

Teltonika’s plans to invest more than 220 million LTL in Vilnius, Liepkalnis until 2024. and the construction of the Teltonika High Tech Hill building complex. It would establish laboratories, production academies and the Internet of the group of companies. In total, more than 3,000 employees could work here.

“The design is already underway, we should have pre-design proposals at the end of January-February so that we can have the conditions for the design and at the end of the summer, if the bureaucracy is fast, we should have a building permit.” And a city so that all the offices that work in Vilnius move to one place and have very good working conditions. The architect’s task was to create the conditions: a home to work. A person has to feel comfortable, well, and that area allows us to create ideal working conditions for people because we do not think about ourselves but about others.

I think we will really solve all those things that depend on us. Clearly, builders dream of those 200 million. go into construction, but here was the idea with production teams. This means that we will invest heavily in robots, equipment and laboratories. Some builders already expect me to build these very expensive buildings, so I have to disappoint some that there is a budget here with investments in jobs and work equipment, ”said A. Paukštys.

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

© Company archive

In addition, the program suggested that there was still free land around the area where a school could be built.

“I have a dream of building a school somewhere nearby. There are still areas where you can also invest in training. Because the whole secret of success is very simple: you have to find at least ten talents to work together for one goal. In that case, those ten talents will do much more together, a hundred times more than ten individually.

For these talents to work together, you need to create a culture of mutual trust and respect. If we manage to create such a culture, then we can say that for each of these talents we create the conditions for the development of their abilities so that a person is motivated to join our team. We need to have leaders who open up to people and allow them to open up, realize their abilities and opportunities. Your strategy, culture, leaders are the formula for our success. The most important thing is what you do. There has to be a good vision.

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

Teltonika High Tech Hill (AKG vizualizacija)

© Company archive

Our highest and highest vision are our values. Protect our values ​​and help others to learn, help others to improve, do not hide your talents. We are there to help others, not just to live for ourselves. If, after leaving this world, all material values ​​disappear, then we take spiritual values ​​with us. There are jobs done for others. I think it makes a lot of sense to come together, work, learn for ourselves, teach others. People are our oil. Our Lithuanians are so talented that so many foreign investments have not been attracted to Lithuania for nothing. They must help each other to mobilize around them. To show our abilities and in that case our country will prosper, and that prosperity will come through our works and our results ”, believes A. Paukštys.

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