Long-awaited day to fight coronavirus: Pfizer approves vaccine and launches in December


A historic day in the fight against the coronavirus. US drug maker Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, the world’s first biotech giant, have formally approached the US Food and Drug Administration for urgent approval of the vaccine. Pfizer expects to receive permission to distribute the vaccine in the first weeks of December. The drugmaker plans to sell 50 million doses of the vaccine this year and nearly 1.5 billion next.

“I am very proud, delighted and even relieved to announce that the request for approval of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible is already in the hands of the Food and Drug Administration. This is a historic day for science and for all of us. It started just 248 days from the time we announced our partnership with BioNTech until the application was submitted, “said Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer.

Pfizer: The vaccine is as effective as 95 percent and does not cause any side effects

Pfizer claims that the experimental vaccine they have developed is as effective as 95 percent and has no side effects on human health. Following a request to the United States, Pfizer is initiating approval of the vaccine in Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan and the United Kingdom. The latter hopes to start vaccination before the New Year.

“We are already setting up vaccination centers throughout the country and special points in hospitals where we will vaccinate our doctors. We are also tackling a challenge: that the vaccine must be kept in a cold 70 degrees, otherwise it will be ineffective, ”said Matt Hancock, the British health secretary.

Donald Trump, who did not admit defeat in the presidential election, said that Pfizer had only specifically requested approval of the vaccine a couple of weeks after the election. According to Trump, Pfizer retaliated against him for demanding lower drug prices and even deliberately sought to undermine his election campaign.

Pfizer and others decided to report on the effectiveness of the vaccines only after the election, although initial plans to release them were in October. It happened because of what I did. Without the Democrats, the pharmacists and their corrupt games will not stop me from doing what is right for the American people, ”said US President Donald Trump.

Quick tests at home – find out the result in just 30 minutes

At that time, the aforementioned US Food and Drug Administration had approved rapid coronavirus tests so that people over the age of 14 could take a sample from the nasopharynx at home and get the result in just 30 minutes.

The developers of such tests say that the tests remain a key factor in stopping the spread of the virus and promise to begin mass marketing in a couple of months.

“It’s a great achievement not only for the speed, but also for the opportunity to do such a test here and now. The test is very close to the PCR test called the gold standard, ”says test developer John Chou.

Well, while countries continue to record high rates of coronavirus infections and deaths from COVID-19, Swiss doctors urge all people over 60 and those at risk of heart or other diseases to pre-register their preferences at the end. of the life. , if they are in intensive care units. Swiss doctors are resorting to these types of measures, as there will be a shortage of beds in the intensive care units of the country’s hospitals in the coming days. Furthermore, clinicians are now often faced with an ethical dilemma when it comes to choosing which patients are no longer receiving treatment and who still have hope of survival.
