The state paid 6.7 million for coronavirus tests to private laboratories. EUR Business


From March to October inclusive, just over 241 thousand. investigation.

According to the National Laboratory, the companies Baltic Medics, InMedica, SK Impeks Medical Diagnostic Center, Diagnostikos Laboratory, Medicina Practica Laboratory, Synlab Lietuva have charged for this service.

They also conduct research on coronavirus and privately.

According to data from the NSPL, in mid-November, a total of more than 806 thousand. samples.

They were studied by NVSPL, the National Institute for Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment, the National Cancer Institute, the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, and the laboratories of the country’s medical institutions.

“Until November 13, the funds used for the purchase of reagents and other research equipment amount to 21.6 million. – reported the National Laboratory.

In addition, the National Cancer Institute, the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center and the National Institute for Veterinary and Food Risk Assessment received 2.1 million for coronavirus research. euros

As the BNS reported to the Ministry of Health, these institutions were paid extra because, unlike, for example, medical institutions, they did not receive payment for examinations from the State Health Insurance Fund.

“The laboratories of medical institutions receive funding for their services through the State Health Insurance Fund, other institutions that do not belong to the health system or that do not depend on the Ministry of Health received an additional payment for research from the state budget “commented Monika Dabulė, Chief Specialist, Pharmaceutical Policy Division.

Since the start of the pandemic, around 1.25 million have been investigated in the country. samples for suspected coronavirus.
