NVSC Specialist: The number of COVID-19 cases is alarming, most of them are young


“It is still difficult to say, because only the second week of quarantine has passed, the situation is such that after about three weeks it should be clear if the measures are working and if the number of infections will decrease.” Yes, that number is still very large and disturbing, ”reported Elta A. Vžesniauskaitė, a specialist from NVSC’s Vilnius Department.

The NVSC specialist affirms that due to the large number of infections, the irresponsibility of the population also contributes.

“This time the second quarantine is more lenient, maybe people are not afraid to see those numbers yet. Because sadly, we have to see a large crowd both in shopping places and on public transport. It’s hard to say how the people comply with the quarantine requirements, only the cases continue to grow, the situation continues to be difficult, “he said.

When asked if NVSC currently has sufficient capacity, A. Vžesniauskaitė emphasizes that a large number of volunteers contribute to the center’s activities. However, the specialist admits that within 24 hours. In general, it is not possible to investigate the circumstances of the infection.

“Many military volunteers and representatives of public health offices contribute to us, employees of the institutions of the Ministry of Health come to our aid. This situation is such that we are not able to investigate those cases in one day, the time to report the cases expands a bit, but the evidence enters our system after business hours, and those evidence are investigated the next day, “he said.

A. Vžesniauskaitė also states that a large number of people with coronavirus do not indicate where they may have been infected, because they simply do not know. He also points out that the majority of those infected with COVID-19 are younger people.

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