After two weeks of quarantine, the number of patients exceeds a new record, because there is no one to go to all the lights.


On Friday, the Ministry of Health (SAM) set another unsatisfactory record of 2,272 new cases per day, although the number of COVID-19 samples analyzed at the same time was also one of the highest: 15,148, and the coronavirus claimed 16 lives.

To curb the increase in cases, the government closed bars, theaters, clubs, other entertainment venues two weeks ago, allowed restaurants to sell takeout only, where work is done remotely.

The statistics for the last few days show that this has not been beneficial, at least not yet:

November 20: 2 272 new cases of 15 148 tests performed, sixteen deceased.

November 19th: 1 680 new cases of 13 134 tests performed, 18 deceased.

November 18th: 1935 new cases of 12 085 tests performed, 24 deceased.

November 17: 966 new cases of 12 480 tests performed, 14 deceased.

Nov. 16: 1152 new cases of 4 458 tests performed, 8 deceased.

November 15: 1 372 new cases of 6 604 tests performed, eleven deceased.

NVSC Vilnius R.Lingien Department Directorė 15 minutes stated that there were several reasons for this.

“Han spent two weeks quarantine two weeks have been the maximum incubation period for COVID-19. Some of the people confirmed to have this infection definitely were infected before the quarantine. Symptoms of the disease were presented or an asymptomatic form of the infection was detected during the quarantine period, ”he said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rolanda Lingiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Rolanda Lingiene

R. Lingienė did not hide that one of the problems is that people often have to wait 2-3 days for an exam and many do not receive answers within 24 hours, which is extremely important to stop the spread of infection .

“So it is often necessary to wait about four or five days from the moment a person signs up for a test until they receive a response. Therefore, we only found out about these confirmed COVID-19 cases a few days later. that people feel bad ”, explained the specialist.

VIDEO: Decline in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths during quarantine: updated information on the management of the coronavirus

According to her, in the absence of a vaccine, the most important means of managing the disease is to isolate those infected and at high risk as soon as possible, which is currently the only way to break the chain of infection and stop its spread.

R. Lingienė emphasized that the recommendations of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control state that this should be done as soon as possible.

“Unfortunately, due to logistics and employment issues in the laboratory, the NVSC often receives information on infected people only a few days after they have registered for a PCR test. This means that the entire time they receive the results from the test (in positive cases – aut.), People spread the infection “, lamented the representative of the center.

There is no one to go to all the fireplaces

According to R. Lingienė, another reason is that people have not reduced mobility as much as epidemiologists would like. There are many examples of irresponsible behavior on social media and in the media, he said.

Another reason is the persistence of outbreaks in health and social care facilities.

The current epidemiological situation in personal and social health care institutions is largely determined by the number of days.

“When a virus enters them, we see that it spreads uncontrollably. It also means many numbers,” he did not hide.

According to R. Lingienė, there is simply a lack of people to physically go to all the places to control the outbreaks.

“Epidemiologists should go to the aforementioned institutions and together with the staff look for the causes of the spread of infection so that outbreaks can be controlled as soon as possible. We do not do this en masse in Lithuania due to the large number of outbreaks and limited resources.

The current epidemiological situation in institutions of personal and social health care is significantly determined by the number of days, ”said R. Lingienė.

Cases in care centers number in the hundreds and continue to grow

The situation of the coronavirus in social care institutions is published periodically by the Ministry of Social Security and Labor.

The map of care institutions published by the Ministry, the data of which was updated on November 19, shows that the worst situation is found in the north and west of Lithuania.

It can be seen that one of the most affected is the Skaudvil Hospital Nursing and Support Treatment Hospital, where a total of 132 people fell ill, the Auštelkė social care home in Šiauliai district, where 120 people fell ill, 78 cases were detected In the Dūseikiai social care home, 43 cases were registered in the Skuodas social care home.

New outbreaks or further spread of the coronavirus are also reported daily in care centers or hospitals.

For example, last day a new outbreak was registered in the Padvariai welfare house located in the Kretinga district. Here, the infection was confirmed in 22 people.

Cases are also increasing in hospitals

Last day, new outbreak-related infection cases were reported at Švenčionys Hospital, Širvintos, Klaipėda Seafarers Hospital, Šilutė, Klaipėda University Hospitals, Klaipėda Seafarers’ Health Center. In addition, in the regional hospitals of Tauragė, Jurbarkas, Mažeikiai, Telšiai.

VIDEO: Special video of the anti-coronavirus epicenter in the Santara clinics

Outbreak-related cases are also recorded in the LSMU Kaunas Hospital, where 19 cases of infection have been confirmed in various departments, as well as in the Kaunas clinics, where 6 illnesses have been recorded.

2,476 doctors are currently infected with coronavirus.

Ligita Jančorienė, director of the Santara Clinics Infectious Diseases Corps, says medical institutions are still treating patients before quarantine. She says that people still point to being infected by students or people who get sick in sports clubs that are now closed.

“We already know very well that from the start of the quarantine requirements, the results can be felt in about two or three weeks, sometimes later,” he said.

V. Grigas: there will be more cases and deaths, and the quarantine must be taken into account

Director of the Molėtai Hospital, Chairman of the Board of the Lithuanian Medical Executives Union, surgeon Vaidotas Grigas 15 minutes He said Friday that quarantine should be on people’s minds first and foremost.

“It just came to our attention then. You can impose very strict conditions, but people may just not follow them, why the number of cases is not decreasing, not even increasing, he explained. – Let’s see what happens in supermarkets and in anywhere else: how people wear masks and how to keep a safe distance. Let’s start with that. “

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vaidotas Grigas

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Vaidotas Grigas

V. Grigas also emphasized that it is not true that the quarantine has an immediate effect.

He also stressed that there are now very good conditions for the spread of viruses.

“This virus is no exception, so I think that in spring we will have this situation and it will not improve much,” the doctor is convinced.

According to Grig, the number of deaths is growing for several reasons. Furthermore, it is natural that the higher the number of cases, the more complex the cases, the more deaths.

And I really think there will be more deaths.

“Everything is as it is in accordance with all the laws and you will not do anything here. And I really believe that there will be more deaths,” emphasized the interlocutor.

When asked if he is in favor of strict quarantine, V. Grigas emphasized that he is in favor of a reasonable quarantine.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I, not as a doctor, but as a citizen, can say that there is a real lack of understanding among people as to why. But sadly, we probably have that mentality,” he said, why the people are not sure.

According to V. Grigo, it is not someone who transmits the virus, but rather people themselves transmit it to each other.

“Let’s see what the outbreak in the Seimas and how the requirements are met. Even after that photo shoot, how much people? Asked was isolated.” Again, the attitude here of people in power to the people common is very poor in some places. “

A.Veryga: quarantine has an effect

According to the Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, the quarantine is working.

We don’t want everything to go back to normal in a week or two.

“We don’t want everything to go back to normal in a week or two. Because many people are infected, some do not know they are infected and transmit the disease. The numbers that we are seeing now are very similar to the numbers from last week. : They no longer doubled, as before it was common to see a double number of numbers every week. That means that the quarantine works, it has an effect, “he emphasized.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Aurelijus Veryga

If the effect is sufficient, according to the minister, it will be seen soon: if the numbers begin to fall, the effect can be considered sufficient, if it remains the same and the burden on medical institutions does not decrease, the quarantine will have to be stricter. Like, the minister still couldn’t say.

A.Veryga also said that he had previously said that the stabilization of the number should be evaluated with caution.

“And you see that the numbers fluctuate, jump. Of course, they also depend on the number of studies performed. The more research is done, the more natural it is to record the cases of infection, which we see in the statistics, “he explained.

Explaining why such a high mortality rate, the Minister stressed that this is a consequence of high morbidity rates. He stressed that the more people become infected, the more die.

“Some of those infected are older people with chronic diseases,” he said.
