List of affected countries updated – Scotland and Wales added


Last week, Lithuania took additional preventive measures against a mutated coronavirus strain detected in Denmark, Spain, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden. As of November 23. Travelers from these countries will no longer need a coronavirus test.

HERE you can see a virtual map of the affected countries, developed by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) according to the traffic light principle.

Depending on morbidity and other indicators, foreign countries are divided into green, yellow and red zones. Countries that do not provide data to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control or that carry out 300 or fewer tests per 100,000 animals in 7 days population falls into the gray area.

Currently, the countries in the gray area are included in the list of countries affected by Lithuania. Persons arriving or passing through these countries are considered to have been in contact and are subject to 10 days of isolation or are required to be present 48 hours in advance. The COVID-19 test was carried out before the arrival in Lithuania and the negative response was received.
The test can also be performed on arrival in Lithuania, but isolation is mandatory until a negative coronavirus test is obtained. Even if there is a negative result of the investigation, it is recommended to limit the number of contacts for 10 days after returning or arriving in Lithuania, not visiting places where people gather.

Third countries (countries outside the European Economic Area) that are not included in the maps of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control are included in the gray area.

Those who travel by air passing through the affected countries without leaving the airport transit area will not be considered to have had contact.

Travelers on scheduled, special and charter flights of all modes of transport organized and operated by carriers must register on the website of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) ( and send it before entering the vehicle. confirmation of the completed electronic questionnaire (QR code) for the carrier and, in other cases, no later than 12 hours after the time of return or arrival in Lithuania, you must register with the NVSC (https: //keleiviams.nvsc .lt / lt / form).

The list of affected countries is published every Friday and goes into effect on Monday.

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