Georgia’s vote count confirmed Biden’s victory


CNP / “ZUMA Wire” / “Scanpix” nuotr.

The vote count in Georgia on Thursday showed Democrat Joe Biden won the presidential election there, receiving 16 votes from the state’s electorate.

Added section “Condemns Trump’s ‘irresponsible’ efforts”

As the final results of the recalculation show, Biden defeated Republican Presidential Donald Trump by an additional 12,284 votes. Compared to the results against the vote count, the Democrat’s lead has diminished slightly.

This victory consolidates Biden’s lead over Trump in an upcoming vote at Constituency College. The Democrat’s victory in the November 7 election was no longer in doubt when media predictions showed that he had won in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which voted Republican in previous elections.

Biden now has 306 votes and Trump has 232 votes.

So far, Trump has not acknowledged his defeat in the presidential election.

In the 2016 Georgia election, D. Trump defeated then-Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton by five percentage points.

Georgia hasn’t voted for the Democratic presidential nominee since 1992, when Bill Clinton won the state.

Condemns Trump’s “Irresponsible” Efforts

US President-elect Biden on Thursday accused President Trump of openly undermining democracy when the head of state’s efforts to challenge court election results received a further blow by counting votes in Georgia and confirming the Democrat victory.

Triden is responsible for “the incredibly damaging signals sent to the rest of the world about the functioning of democracy,” Biden told reporters in the state of Delaware, where he lives.

The current American leader has so far refused to admit that he lost the November 3 election, despite being outnumbered by his opponent by more than 6 million. votes.

Jump Ellis, the Trump campaign’s legal adviser, criticized the results of the recalculation and promised that the legal fight would continue.

“This so-called manual recalculation went exactly as we expected as Jojia simply counted all the illegal ballots,” he said, adding that the Trump campaign “will use all legal means.”

After initially making unsubstantiated allegations of large-scale voter fraud, Trump appears to have changed his strategy and is asking states to ignore the will of the voters.

In Michigan, D. Trump called a Republican to head a previously little-known commission. The official said he wanted to withdraw his approval of the election results in a pro-Democratic constituency, which includes the black-dominated metropolis of Detroit.

“He asked to make sure he was safe when he saw / heard about threats and [grasinimus paviešinti asmeninę informaciją]Monica Palmer, president of the Wayne County Board of Agitators, told the Detroit Free Press her personal information, which was made public via social media.

Trump is also reportedly calling Republican Michigan lawmakers to the White House, though his campaign withdrew a lawsuit in federal courts to block final approval of the state’s vote results.

Biden won 155,000 votes in Michigan. This vote difference was more than ten times greater than Trump’s victory in this state in 2016.

When asked about Trump’s conversations with state officials, Biden said it was “another incident when he goes down in history as one of the most irresponsible presidents in American history.”

“It’s hard to see what this man is thinking,” Biden said. “I’m sure you know that you are not happy, that you have bad luck and that we will be sworn in on January 20.”

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