The Seimas approved the composition of the committees: R. Karbauskis chose education over foreign affairs, S. Skvernelis – national security


“I hope that the LVŽS representatives, for whom quotas have been approved, will continue to nominate their representatives as deputies. It was agreed to postpone the question of the chairman and vice chairman of the Audit Committee. There is nothing like a committee joining a little later If he refuses anyway, the work of the committee will not be interrupted in any way, “said J. Razma.

Farmer Tom Tomilin asked the rulers if they didn’t think it was time to stop the bulldozer and start talking.

“I do not agree that we are not speaking. He does not speak for himself, more precisely, for his leaders. He does not like a line of the project, is it necessary to knock on the door or argue? to argue about yourself, “Razma replied.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis, Jurgis Razma, Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Gabrielius Landsbergis, Jurgis Razma, Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė

He assured that he will also refuse to present amendments to the Statute on Thursday, which would provide that the position of Chairman of the Audit Committee belongs to a minority if it arouses such passion.

Mr. Razma said that a new version of the amendments had been registered, stipulating that the Audit Committee, the Anti-Corruption and Ethics and Procedures Commissions should be chaired by a representative of the opposition.

“This will enshrine the right of the opposition in the Statute, which did not exist before and was only a tradition,” he said.

T. Tomilin: We are not short

Tomilinas assured that the Lithuanian Seimas “is approaching Belarus.”

“Reading the principles of the coalition can put them in the wound. The correct principles. (…) But when we criticized, I heard that we were stubborn, not committed. You say we do not speak, we speak. (…) We are losing eight places in the committees because we are protesting against what is happening in Seimas. Today a four-year tradition and work culture is being formed, “said Tomilinas.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Tomas Tomilinas

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Tomas Tomilinas

“We are not short, we are handing over power with our heads held high,” he said.

The conservative Kęstutis Masiulis assured that the “peasants” should have offered figures to the deputies of the Seimas, not infantry, if they really wanted to show something more than a simple protest.

Razma also did not agree with the criticism. According to him, even the last minute request of the “peasants” to transfer R. Karbauskis from the Committee on Foreign Affairs to the Committee on Education and Science has been taken into account.

Petras Gražulis also spoke about wanting to work on the Human Rights Committee, but it was impossible for him to work there, so he chose the Rural Affairs Committee, but it turned out that the “workers” wanted quotas, so he had the remaining Culture Committee.

V. Bakas questioned the transparency of R. Lopata, A. Navickas – Perception of human rights by D. Kepenis

Vytautas Bakas also stated that the liberal Raimundas Lopata should not work in the Defense and National Security Committee, since in the investigation of Mindaugas Bastys it was mentioned that he was possibly defending the interests of Vidmantas Kučinskas, but did not agree to be questioned.

“What are you doing and who will you represent NSGK?” Bak asked.

Luke April / 15min photo / Raimundas Lopata

Luke April / 15min photo / Raimundas Lopata

Lopata agreed to reply. “I have already written that Mr. V. Bak repeatedly told falsehoods. (…) I did not refuse to testify in that commission, I offered to respond in writing while preparing the response, I had to go to the commission. It is not true that I refused to testify, “he said.

While considering the Seimas draft resolution, conservative Andrius Navickas was surprised that the “peasants” spoke of defending democracy, but delegated Dainiai Kepenis to the Human Rights Committee and doubted his reputation.

D. Kepenis assured that he believes that human rights are the first opportunity to receive information on how to lead a healthy life in the state.

VIDEO: R. Karbauskis on the new political culture: “The focus here is not on the union of peasants and greens, but on the will of the electorate”

According to the Seimas resolution, the fees must be distributed in the committees as follows:

Environment Committee:

  • Kasparas Adomaitis;
  • Aidas Gedvilas;
  • Aistė Gedvilienė;
  • Ligita Girskienė;
  • Linas Jonauskas;
  • Arvydas Nekrošius;
  • Andrius Palionis;
  • Justinas Urbanavičius;
  • Romualdas Vaitkus;
  • Arūnas Valinskas.

Audit Committee:

  • Zigmantas Balčytis;
  • Agnė Bilotaitė;
  • Rasa Budbergytė;
  • Evelina Dobrovolska;
  • Simon Gentville;
  • Deividas Labanavičius;
  • Kęstutis Masiulis;
  • Laima Nagienė.

Budget and Finance Committee:

  • Oak Valius;
  • Algirdas Butkevičius;
  • Antanas Čepononis;
  • Vytautas Gapšys;
  • Kęstutis Glaveckas;
  • Liudas Jonaitis;
  • Mykolas Majauskas;
  • Matas Maldeikis;
  • Vytautas Mitalas;
  • Juozas Varžgalys.

Economic Committee:

  • Andrius Bagdonas;
  • Viktor Fyodorov;
  • Andrius Kupčinskas;
  • Rūta Miliūtė;
  • Laima Mogenienė;
  • Ieva Pakarklytė;
  • Gintautas Paluckas;
  • Jonas Pinskus;
  • Paulius Saudargas;
  • Lukas Savickas;
  • Mindaugas Skritulskas;
  • Kazys Starkevičius.

European Affairs Commission:

  • Laima Liucija Andrikienė;
  • Audronius Ažubalis;
  • Andrius Bagdonas;
  • Ligita Girskienė;
  • Jonas Jarutis;
  • Arminas Pike;
  • Mindaugas Lingė;
  • Mykolas Majauskas;
  • Matas Maldeikis;
  • Marius Matijošaitis;
  • Andrius Mazuronis;
  • Rūta Miliūtė;
  • Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė;
  • Monika Ošmianskienė;
  • Gintautas Paluckas;
  • Sigismund Pavilionis;
  • Puidokas mindaugas;
  • Lukas Savickas;
  • Algirdas Sysas;
  • Giedrius is surprised;
  • Tomas Tomilinas;
  • Valdemaras Valkiūnas;
  • Andrius Vyšniauskas;
  • Emanuel Zinger;
  • Remigijus Žemaitaitis.

Rural Affairs Commission:

  • Juozas Baublys;
  • Jonas Gudauskas;
  • Vigilijus Jukna;
  • Vidmantas Kanopa;
  • Kęstutis Mažeika;
  • Victor Francis;
  • Giedrius is surprised;
  • Andrius Vyšniauskas.

Culture Committee:

  • Kristijonas Bartoševičius;
  • Petras Gražulis;
  • Vytautas Juozapaitis;
  • Vytautas Kernagis;
  • Arminas Pike;
  • Liuda Pociūnienė;
  • Robertas Šarknickas;
  • Stasys Tumėnas;
  • Kęstutis Vilkauskas.

National Defense and Security Committee:

  • Virgilijus Alekna;
  • Vytautas Bakas;
  • Dainius Gaižauskas;
  • Jonas Jarutis;
  • Laurynas Kasčiūnas;
  • Dainius Kreivys;
  • Raimundas Lopata;
  • Andrius Mazuronis;
  • Arvydas Pocius;
  • Valdas Rakutis;
  • Saulius Skvernelis;
  • Dovilė Šakalienė.

Committee on Labor and Social Affairs:

  • Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė;
  • Rima Baškienė;
  • Justas Džiugelis;
  • Domas Griškevičius;
  • Linas Kukuraitis;
  • Mindaugas Lingė;
  • Monika Ošmianskienė;
  • Audrius Petrošius;
  • Puidokas mindaugas;
  • Algirdas Sysas;
  • Gintarė Skaistė;
  • Tomas Tomilinas;
  • Jonas Varkalys.

Health Committee:

  • Morgana Danielė;
  • Vaida Giraitytė;
  • Paulė Kuzmickienė;
  • Orinta Leiputė;
  • Antanas Matulas;
  • Monika Navickienė;
  • Jurgita Sejonienė;
  • Linas Slušnys;
  • Zenon Strike;
  • Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė;
  • Aurelijus Veryga;
  • Remigijus Žemaitaitis.

Education and Science Committee:

  • Arvydas Anušauskas
  • Dalia Asanavičiūtė;
  • Algimantas Dumbrava;
  • Ramūnas Karbauskis;
  • Ieva Kačinskaitė-Urbonienė;
  • Silva Lengvinienė;
  • Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė;
  • Beata Petkevič;
  • Edmund Pupinis;
  • Vilija Targamadze;
  • Artūras Žukauskas.

Committee on Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement:

  • Aušrinė Armonaitė;
  • Irena Haase;
  • Gabrielius Landsbergis;
  • Česlav Olševski;
  • Julius Sabatauskas;
  • Algirdas Stončaitis;
  • Stasys Shedbar;
  • Agnė Širinskienė.

Foreign Relations Commission:

  • Laima Liucija Andrikienė;
  • Audronius Ažubalis;
  • Antanas Guoga;
  • Eugenijus Jovaiša;
  • Marius Matijošaitis;
  • Aušrinė Norkienė;
  • Sigismund Pavilionis;
  • Antanas Vinkus;
  • Emanuel Zinger.

Public Administration and Municipalities Commission:

  • Valentinas Bukauskas;
  • Guoda Burokienė;
  • Ričardas Juška;
  • Gintautas Kindurys;
  • Bronislovas Matelis;
  • Algis Strelčiūnas;
  • Jurgita Šiugždinienė;
  • Rita Tamašunienė;
  • Valdemaras Valkiūnas.

Human Rights Committee:

  • Tomas Bičiūnas;
  • Eugenijus Gentvilas;
  • Sergei Jovaiša;
  • Dainius Kepenis;
  • Andrius Navickas;
  • Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius;
  • Jurgis Razma.
