Nausėda submitted Šimonytė’s candidacy for prime minister: she is ready to solve problems


I. Šimonytė is delegated to the prime minister by a center-right coalition made up of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. They have a majority in the Seimas: 74 out of 141 seats.

The most important job is managing the pandemic.

The president of the Seimas court said that Lithuania had an urgent task to jointly manage the spread of the Covid-19 infection.

“We must work together to manage the negative effects of the pandemic on the health system and the economy, as well as on culture and other sectors most affected. This will be the first task of the new Government, “said G. Nausėda in the Seimas.

However, according to him, we must look to the future of Lithuania: constantly growing defense financing, active foreign policy, strengthening energy independence, respect for the principle of the rule of law.

“We must also fight for greater social justice, eliminate unfair tax benefits and reduce income inequality. The new government must pay due attention to creating a green Lithuania,” the president said.

He says he is convinced that I. Šimonytė sees the challenges facing the country and, together with the team, is ready to solve the problems.

Direct drive:

Born in Vilnius, I. Šimonytė has an education in economics, has worked in the Ministry of Finance from economist to secretary, deputy minister and finally finance minister.

He held the last post in the government of conservative Andrius Kubilius in 2009-2012. After that, I. Šimonytė worked at the Bank of Lithuania for three years, taught at Vilnius University, until 2016, when he entered parliament with the Christian Democrats of the Lithuanian National Union. She does not belong to the party.

The prime minister says she speaks English, Polish, Russian and Swedish, as her hobbies point to books.

How is the candidacy of the prime minister considered?

The Statute of the Seimas stipulates that the Seimas, having received the proposal of the President of the Republic regarding the candidacy of the Prime Minister, will provide the President with the opportunity to present the candidate at the next session.

No questions are asked of the President of the Republic after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy.

The candidate for the post of Prime Minister will have the floor to introduce himself, after which he will answer questions from the members of the Seimas.

After that presentation, the Prime Minister’s candidacy will be forwarded to the factions of the Seimas members for their consideration. Political groups have the right to invite you to their meetings and to ask questions at the time agreed with the candidate. The appointment of the Prime Minister of a political group must be considered within a maximum period of two working days.

No later than one week after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy, another session of the Seimas shall be held to make a decision on the nomination presented. In this session, the conclusions of the political groups are heard first, starting with the largest group and ending with the smallest group.

Subsequently, a discussion takes place, at the end of which the candidate is given the floor, as well as the opportunity to respond again to the questions of the members of the Seimas.

When the applicant has finished answering the questions, a vote is taken to approve the candidacy presented by the Prime Minister.

According to the Statute of the Seimas, the President of the Republic has the right to withdraw the candidacy presented at any time before the start of the vote on its approval.

The Prime Minister must present to the Seimas the Government formed by him and approved by the President of the Republic and submit the program of this Government for consideration no later than within 15 days of his appointment.
