Healthcare Professionals Are Concerned: Statistics Don’t Lie, People Have Stopped Moving


Health professionals point out that such a small movement in society can have long-term negative consequences. Decreasing physical activity will make people less resistant to disease, can aggravate chronic diseases, recurrence or worsening of joint and back pain.

The lack of movement was compensated by going to the parks, but it did not go away

Health professionals track the physical activity statistics of the population in public mobility reports provided by Google based on the routes of mobile devices. Publicly available data from the tech company shows that there is less movement of people during the pandemic: much less time is spent on public transportation, workplaces, shopping and entertainment centers. Meanwhile, more time spent in residential areas is recorded. According to experts, this is an indicator that society moves less, avoids contacts, a factor that helps in the fight against the virus.

Meanwhile, the statistics on visits to the park are not encouraging. If there was a strong seasonal jump in visits in the summer, the statistics now show a marked decline in visits, which continues to decline. For example, in Vilnius, until November 8, 2% park attendance was higher, but on November 10 the figure was already negative at -4 percent, and the November 13 report recorded a decrease of up to – 17 percent. There are also similar trends in Kaunas, where park visit statistics show a drop to -22 percent, and in Klaipeda you can see a drop even to -32 percent. This means that today, the number of visitors to the parks in the last month, before the introduction of the quarantine, was almost a third lower than in the winter months, which are taken as a benchmark.

Aurimas Mačiukas

Aurimas Mačiukas

© Photo of the organizers

Aurimas Mačiukas, president of the Lithuanian Health Club Association (LSKA), says that during the quarantine, the importance of physical activity only increases further. This is important for our physical and mental health, especially when there is so much stress and anxiety in the environment, but we have to observe the opposite data.

A. Mačiukas points out that trends in physical activity in large cities should receive the most attention, because here the way of life differs significantly from smaller cities and rural areas.

“It seems that it is very difficult for people to find the motivation to be physically active. Due to the fact that health clubs were closed, movement in other places was also restricted, people were able to compensate by going to the parks but did not leave. After all, in Vilnius and Kaunas there are an average of 50 thousand. visitors to the sports club. Let’s think about what would happen if everyone went outside, which would certainly be reflected in the mobility stats. Also, let’s not forget that we now had a record warm October and compared it to the winter months, when there is already very little movement in the parks. If we have negative numbers now under these circumstances, it means that the situation is bad. “

Active Movement – As a medicine, it works as long as it is used.

Daiva Puškoriūtė, family doctor, head of the personal primary health care service and advisory service of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital Polyclinic, says that sport or physical training acts on the human body as a universal remedy for many chronic diseases. Together, physical activity reduces anxiety and stress.

“It is important to understand that physical activity, such as medication, must have the required duration, that is, exercising the required number of minutes, with the appropriate intensity, increasing the pulse and maintaining it for at least half an hour. In this case, the Physical activity is especially beneficial for us and causes positive changes in health. On the other hand, the necessary sports equipment at home can be used for more diverse and complex physical training tasks, – says D. Puškoriūtė. “Of course, we must not forget that longer walks in the open air, in the park, in the forest, contribute to better health. “

He points out that the physical activity of people in our country is still insufficient, and the period of movement restrictions due to quarantine has even more negative consequences. The quarantine period is also unfavorable for those who have previously maintained regular physical activity, exercising outdoors when conditions were more favorable, or in gyms that are currently forced to close their doors. Disruption of active physical movement, not for the benefit of the body.

“The effect of physical training is definitive: like a drug, it affects the body while it is used. We tend to emphasize to our patients that in order to feel optimal and protect ourselves from chronic diseases or their exacerbation, we must exercise at least three times a week and during at least 45 minutes ”, says the doctor.

Daiva Puškoriūtė

Daiva Puškoriūtė

© Photo of the organizers

Aurimas Mačiukas says that he is often faced with people’s questions about regular physical activity, how to keep moving now, when the conditions for exercising outdoors are not always favorable, and there are not necessarily opportunities at home and it is still very difficult to “force”.

“For those of you who have been exercising regularly in sports clubs so far, I would like to be in touch with the coaches. After all, we can use the parks or play sports remotely. Well, I won’t surprise people who haven’t hitherto have been exercising regularly, I advise you to walk as much as the weather allows. Let’s not forget that spontaneous sports at home, without skills, can have negative consequences “, – advises A. Mačiukas.

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