The conflict between the two first graders ended with a broken nose for one: the stories of the parents and the school principal about the event are radically different.


The parents of the first-grader who attended Karsavin’s school last week, as he said. 15 minutes, she received a call from the school that her son was in a medical office. They were told that the child was feeling unwell, so the parents should take him home.

The fracture will require surgery.

At the Hospital Infantil de Clínicas Santara, to which the parents took the son that same day, it turned out that the boy had a broken nose and had to undergo surgery. So now the family is waiting for the date of the operation to be set.

The boy’s father, Edward, said the family decided to report the incident to the police.

“We were a little skeptical if it was worth it, but we still decided to write a statement. And we half heard from officials that we are doing it right; after all, that child must be taught a lesson, otherwise he may not understand what you did wrong. ” 15 minutes Edward said.

Photo by Vida Press / An annoying child.  Associative photo.

Photo by Vida Press / Annoying Child. Associative photo.

He said how much he managed to find out, the boy was talking to a classmate, and then another boy ran over and hit him. From the blow, the boy still hit the wall and fell. “He doesn’t remember anything else because the children took him to the doctor. period, not the teacher, not any of the adults, but other children, ”Edward said.

The teacher in her class, according to the parents, defends herself without knowing how the disaster happened. It is said that everything happened not during his lessons or breaks between lessons, but before the choreography lesson.

However, the girl’s parents were more disappointed in this situation by the first-time teacher himself; As they say, more than a day has passed, but no knowledge of her has been received. The teacher reportedly did not call to explain the details of the incident, nor did he ask about the student’s health.

I said the teacher doesn’t even call, he’s not interested when he was a kid, etc. The principal was in shock and promised to go to the teacher and speak harshly.

The conversation was unpleasantly surprising

The call, the parents claim, came only after the father approached the school’s management and spoke to the principal: “I said the teacher doesn’t even call, she’s not interested as a child, etc.” The principal was in shock and promised to go to the teacher and speak harshly. That teacher called today (Monday – Red. past.), but the conversation was very strange and unpleasant.

When he called, he started asking us what we wanted and so on. Now I was in shock, as the teacher spoke, she kept laughing, all for 10-15 minutes of conversation. They asked about the child only after about ten minutes of conversation. “

The man did not hide the fact that the conversation had brought him out of cancer, and without restraint, he even asked what the teacher was “constantly looking at”, to which he was accused of cursing the son, apparently learning from his parents, although Edward he believed that he had not used any curse.

“The wife also said that maybe the mother of that other child would call to speak, but the teacher disputed that the mother did not believe that her son was to blame. I have never faced such a situation in my life, teachers call my brothers all the time, they are interested in children’s health, “Edward wondered, speculating that maybe someone would even try to blame the parents, that it would be denied if it was claimed that the boy’s nose was broken at home.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min photo / L. Karsavinas school flag

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min photo / L. Karsavinas school flag

The boy is currently receiving treatment at home, but his parents say they will find another school when he recovers; they do not intend to return to this class.

“I don’t understand what is happening here, who will be responsible for this disaster?” After all, the boy has a broken nose, now surgery is waiting. The boy is only six years old, he is in the first grade, he is the first teacher, after all, he needs to be remembered for a long time, and here are those things. That really shouldn’t be the case, “Edward said.

Not always the innocent is the one who has suffered

However, Svetlana Butautienė, director of the L. Karsavinas school 15 minutes told a completely different version of this story. According to her, there should be no rush to blame another child for the disaster, and reprimands from teachers are completely out of reach.

The affected child is peculiar, often abusing other children. And the specialists were interested, but you know, first grade is an adjustment period.

“It is not always the innocence of the victim,” said the director. – A bell rang and the children went out to rest, the teacher was on duty in the hall. He finished a music lesson for them and a choreography lesson would begin. Until one teacher left and the other arrived, the children were in the hall. The situation was as follows: the child victim is a kind of child, who often abuses other children. And the specialists were interested, but you know, first grade is an adjustment period.

But that boy is our son, because even in the preschool group that was at our school, we already knew a little about him. He punched another boy on the back, who is very quiet. And the fact that he pushed that kid with all his might came as a huge surprise to everyone, he never does, that quiet kid.

He probably lacked patience and pressured the boy not to sneak up on him. If it weren’t for the wall, he could have finished, he pushed and shoved, but the boy stood on the wall and hit the wall without success. “

The teacher on duty was already going to class at that time, S. Butautien dijo said, therefore, she did not see the incident with her own eyes, but this is the story confirmed by all the children in the hall at that time. The injured firstborn was taken to the medical office, summoned by his parents, who took him out.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Class

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Class

The teacher provided evidence

The principal did not deny having received a call from his father on Monday, during the conversation he had heard that his son may not be one of those good children, but the classroom teacher never called or asked.

“You know, I was in shock because this teacher is so experienced, she only recently released a fourth grade where the appreciation of parents swam in public spaces. She is highly respected. It was very strange to me that such an educator did not call me when such an event happened and I decided to find out the matter until the end.

I called an educator who told me that he had called and spoken with my parents several times. And during the last conversation, he spoke very badly to the educator, he even wrote me an official message that he would take action, ”said S. Butautienė.

I called an educator who told me that he had called and spoken with my parents several times.

According to her, the educator for the first time provided her with evidence that she had been in contact with her parents: messages and recorded phone calls, for which the principal said she had no reason to believe.

The principal affirms that the information about the incident was transmitted to the police, to whom the characteristics of both students were forwarded, and to the municipal education specialist who supervises the school.

“As if everything was done according to the law, but such a worm gnaws at me and the educator. This is a child who has suffered trauma, severe trauma. It is like a coincidence and problems are problems. And the educators are very unpleasant, because it is as if everything had been done, but she did not deserve such ugly words, ”said S. Butautienė.

The principal does not want to blame the child victim for believing that he will change as an adult. It is said that you simply have to work with the child, and the contribution of the parents is also necessary. S.Butautienė promises to talk to his parents and try to fix the situation. According to her, this type of incident is the first at her school.

Parents can be punished

Representatives of the Vilnius police confirmed that such a case has been recorded.

“Due to the aforementioned case in the L. Karsavinas school, the police received a statement from the mother of the injured child and information was collected in accordance with article 140 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. 3 d.

There are similar cases in schools, but we cannot rule out that this is a common case. Minors are not an “entity” and, therefore, the responsibility lies with the child’s parents. In such cases, the ANC protocol for parents is drawn up (a warning or a fine is imposed on them) and the information is passed on to the municipal administrator and child rights specialists ”, says the comment of the Vilnius County LSC .
