Coronavirus in the Seimas: the liberal Vaičekauskas fell ill


“It just came to our attention then. That Wednesday I was at the last session of the Seimas. At a meeting of the Parliamentary Control Commission for Criminal Intelligence. On Thursday, at noon, the Chancellery of the Seimas will circulate an email message that the fight has been imposed on a member of the Seimas.

The name is not published. At that time I went to the “IKI” store, Jasinskio str. If the Chancellery had announced the last name immediately, it certainly would not have gone anywhere. But there, at the request of some sensitive peasants, it was not done. After 20 minutes, I go to the Seimas to hand over the government computer. And here the portals are already sending the BNS message that the fight has been established for Seimas member R. Šalaševičiūtė, ”wrote G. Vaičekauskas on Facebook.

The deputy said that he immediately decided to isolate himself.

“I go to the Seimas bedroom and close the room. The handcuffs explain how we will continue living. This is especially the second self-isolation in a short time. This time, after contact with the respected deputy V. Simulik, I went alone to Klaipeda and did not shoot my nose nowhere.

Then there were no symptoms, I broke out, now, the temperature rises at night from Saturday to Sunday. Jump from 36.6 to 38.6 in a day and a half. Begin to rotate your forearms. First to the left, then to the right. The coughing starts. On Sunday I register in 1808. Yesterday at 6:51 am, a doctor (fame and honor for those who work in this profession) puts his throat, champagne in his nose and today at 11:40 am, I receive the answer that the SARS-Cov-2 RNA is RASTA, ”wrote G Vaičekauskas.

He said that during that time it turned out that his colleague J. Varkalys was also ill, and R. Šalaševičiūtė’s test turned out to be a mistake. She is healthy. Registered privately. Three times. The last time on Sunday.

“Sunday? Where can you check it here? Whatever. It’s important to be healthy. After all, it turns out that she was at another meeting, a meeting of the Social Affairs Committee, which was also attended by J. Varkalys. How here you get so dirty. We had three contacts on Wednesday. Two are sick and the third is a test error, so it is necessary to look for the virus somewhere deeper. By the way, those who walk on the Seimas and are interested Who eats what, who likes sweets and what doesn’t, they had to isolate themselves on Thursday, because they were also at that meeting of the CCP commission, but no, they were still in power until Friday.

Worst of all, that night came his wife’s cry from another room: “37 and 1, and my head hurts a lot.” In a word, there are issues. Today I tried to smell the mackerel from the fridge. It has failed. Even when I almost hit the piece on the nose, I missed, ”said G. Vaičekauskas.

The MP said that now they live like this: in separate rooms, they walk through the “apartments” of the dormitories wearing masks, they disinfect their hands.

“There is food left until tomorrow night. Covered in terrible drowsiness. I often dream of long-distance tugboats. His eyes are a little wavy. I visit the hygiene chamber more often. Sometimes seven rabbits hit their heads. Books don’t count because after reading 1.5 pages you fall asleep. Symptoms are mild. I have been vaccinated against flu and pneumonia, so I’m sure if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be writing here now, but lying on my oxygen tap.

PS: I’m worried, and if I never feel the taste and smell of cold smoked mackerel again. How will it be then! “The parliamentarian did not lose his sense of humor.

Liberals in Parliament did the tests

Liberals in Parliament underwent COVID-19 testing on Wednesday to attend Thursday’s sessions.

“You can catch up a lot, and today all the members of the group did the test. We plan to participate in the Seimas sessions tomorrow. I hope to receive answers tomorrow. Maybe that will be the end of the story,” Eugenijus Gentvilas, the eldest, told BNS. of the faction of the Liberal Movement.

G. Vaičekauskas stated that last Wednesday, November 11, having participated in the meeting of the Parliamentary Criminal Intelligence Commission of the Seimas, on Thursday he learned of the positive response of Rimante Šalaševičiūtė COVID-19, who participated in the same meeting, and he immediately isolated himself at the Seimas Hotel.

The deputy felt bad on Saturday, took a test on Tuesday and received a positive response on Wednesday.

G. Vaičekauskas said that he could not claim that he was infected in the Seimas, but there was a coincidence of circumstances.

E. Gentvilas told BNS that he had reviewed the Ministry of Health’s recommendations regarding self-isolation and was convinced that he did not need to be isolated. After all, he hadn’t seen G. Vaičekauskas for a week.

“It has been more than three days since my contact to feel your symptoms. I don’t fall into the circle that needs to be isolated, ”said the liberal elder.

Jonas Varkalys, a member of the Liberal Movement faction, was reported to be ill Tuesday on COVID-19.

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