I. imonyt announced the candidates for ministers


President Gitanas Nausda met with the candidate for prime minister Ingrida imonyte. Photo by Roberto Dakaus (Office of the President)

Ingrida, the prime minister of the coalition of the three ruling center-right parties, has announced nearly full candidates for ministers in the 11th Government.

Added: I explained to the company why A. Dulk is electing ministers of health.

I. imonyt will announce the candidates nominated by the coalition on Wednesday after meeting with President Gitan Nausda.

According to the incoming prime minister, only the heads of ministries of the candidate ministry remain unmatched so far.

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I. imonyt stressed that due to the final agreement of the candidate with the president has not yet been reached.

It will only be known if those surnames will be given with certainty when there is a presidential order for him to form a government. Therefore, this announcement does not require the consent of the president. But the meetings, the discussions, whatever it takes, the politicians can begin.

The Conservatives will include the Heads of Government and nine portfolios of ministers, three Cabinet members who have delegated three members of the Liberal Party to the Liberal Party, the new Seimas Speaker Viktorija milyt-Nielsen.

He rejected the election of the Minister of Health

I. He asked the company how the candidate of former State Comptroller Arnas Dulkis was chosen to head the Ministry of Health.

The choice of isman is related to the current situation, but also to systemic problems in health care. I think A. Dulkys has accumulated a good experience as a state controller, a good understanding of the problems of the system. Once again, I have said more than once that, in my opinion, it is not necessary for the Minister of Health to be trained to prescribe drugs, operate and diagnose diseases. The system and its problems must be well understood and solutions proposed that can be used to improve the availability and quality of services in accordance with that systemic approach, said the future prime minister.

This is my warm-up. Whether the president does not nominate A. Dulkis for the second term in the spring is up to the president. I do not believe that, as the President himself mentioned at the time, rotation and change are bad things for the institutions. Finally, the mons who make it to the quarter come to work for the quarter. Whether or not it will be offered for the next term is certainly not guaranteed, he added.

I. The company also made sure when listening to the doubts about the environment ministers of the Simon Gentville candidate.

It is normal to have several doubts. I have received great contact with the community about the environment, both those who support Mr. Gentville’s candidacy and those who have comments. I believe that it is a matter of more discussions and planning of the work, as well as discussions with the President of the country, how to plan the first steps, if the candidate is confirmed that all doubts are dispelled and the Minister begins to work, have enough time to show that you are very concerned. environmental protection, she says.

I. The company said that Gintar Skaist, an educated economist, was believed to make a good finance minister.

Will be provided to Seimas

The president has not yet ruled on the election of ministerial candidates for I. imonyts. As Povilas Maiulis, National Policy Advisor to the President, said after the meeting, the Head of State will not speak about specific names. The president will meet with each candidate and may give a reasoned statement on whether the candidates are suitable, he said.

The adviser reported that the decree on the nomination of the I. imonyts candidate would be announced by the President on Wednesday and its presentation is scheduled for the plenary session of the Seimas on Thursday. It is also possible the official presentation of the candidate ministers to the head of state next week.

Once the Seimas approves the appointment of I. imonyts as Prime Minister, the President will give her official instructions to form a retired Government. The ministers shall be appointed by decree on the recommendation of the designated Prime Minister.

It is expected that in the first days of December, the Seimas will approve the new government’s program and be able to work. Until then, the members of the XVII Government headed by Saulius Skvernelis will temporarily occupy the position.

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