I.Budrienei was severely quarantined: the bar had to be closed and the hotel had not started yet | Names


However, in the current situation, places to eat and have fun have no longer become the main source of family income, but a big headache. In the LNK program “Bus visko”, Inga openly told how her family was affected by this situation, when one of the bars had to be closed and the hotel built next to the house did not open.

“The hotel was built a year ago. We installed two rooms before the pandemic, but the quarantine began and we did not start operations. Our main business is a bar, which has been in operation for 20 years. However, we had to close our second bar, because we calculated that it was not worth it for us ”, explains I. Budrienė.

LNK stop shot / Inga Budrienė

LNK stop shot / Inga Budrienė

Inga openly told him about the first quarantine, during which she had to fire workers and do all the work herself.

“We released all personnel during the quarantine. During the first two days we did not know what to do, we sat down and thought about how to behave. Then we started transporting food to other cities, making semi-finished products, and baking bread. We remember all of our pearls, what we could offer people, and we work very hard ourselves. It was a great salvation because we had activities. Sit between the four walls of a house and do nothing? I think maybe even then there would be disagreements in the family. “

During the show, the woman also told about her trip, from which the family returned just a few weeks ago. During it, the Budriai family not only rested, but also experienced what the 6.7 magnitude earthquake means.

“We were on an island and we began to move the earth in the true sense of the word. Nobody understands anything, everyone is confused, looking at each other. His head was spinning, he was dizzy, people were fleeing the bars, there was a barn on a nearby ledge and the first one would probably fall. The shaking lasted long enough, up to a minute. It was an interesting feeling, it seemed that the earth would soon slide from under my feet. “

Inga also recalled the most impressive celebrations she had organized, which she had the opportunity to hold in the normal life of the world. She will also talk about a special relationship with her loving husband, who, if necessary, can travel all over Europe for his wife.

“We had to fly to Mallorca, the tickets were already bought, but I realized that I would not do anything without taking my belongings, especially since my dress weighed about 30 kilos, how to wear it? So the man had to take the bus and take everything. He found out a few weeks before the party. But everything was delivered. My husband is often surprised, but he is used to the fact that nothing is impossible. “

What personal rules apply in the Budri family? What is a woman’s attitude towards money? Meeting with Inga Budriene – Tuesday night, 8 pm, during LNK, at the show “Bus visko”.
