Representative of Clinicas Santara: there are currently 6 free beds for coronavirus patients throughout the Vilnius region


“This means that the Vilnius region, which has 900 thousand population, currently has 6 beds, plus 6 additional patients are scheduled to be discharged. This means that we have to find out where and how we will ensure the treatment and hospitalization of sick patients, ”he told a news conference Tuesday.

VIDEO: Representatives of the Santara Clinic present the situation in the Vilnius region regarding the treatment of patients with Covid-19

According to the representative, certain services – both surgical and therapeutic – must be suspended, leaving the necessary assistance and scheduled emergency services.

The redeployment, she says, also involves staff, which is time consuming.

“We plan to organize the work to be able to have 14 additional beds in the intensive care unit tomorrow morning, where the most complex coronavirus patients will be treated,” he said, assuring that 13 more intensive care units had been installed a little earlier.

A.Bilotienė Motiejūnienė noted: “We have not secured the number of beds needed for today, at this time.”

According to her, having already expanded the number of beds in the clinic to the maximum, it is true that she did not rule out that if there is a jacket, it may be necessary to further reduce services.

Has beds, but not always staff

A spokeswoman for the Santara clinics said the clinics had sought help from other medical facilities.

According to A.Bilotienė Motiejūnienė, it also happens that hospitals that have agreed to provide assistance are no longer able to do so due to the spread of the coronavirus within them; this is what happened with the Švenčionys Hospital.

“Druskininkai hospital volunteered, we will have 10 beds starting tomorrow, but this is not enough,” said a representative from the clinics.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 min photo / Aušra Bilotienė Motiejūnienė

A.Bilotienė Motiejūnienė states that there are cases where hospital representatives say they can provide beds, but not staff; there’s not enough.

“They all say the same thing: we can give beds, we can give units, but we don’t have people and in the regional offices we do,” he said.

A.Bilotienė Motiejūnienė stated that there are also those who do not want to help, but hopes that an agreement will be reached.

She is convinced that the strategy to deal with the shortage of beds must be discussed and adopted at the political level.

It would be difficult to set up a Litexpo hospital

Commenting on the possibility of installing a temporary hospital in Litexpo, he stressed that he thought it necessary to decide whether it would be a hospital in the Vilnius region or in Lithuania as a whole.

“It all depends on what we solve, on which problem: whether on a Lithuanian scale or in the Vilnius region, because personnel, infrastructure and oxygen could be rationally applied if it were a completely national problem – here is my personal opinion “. She talked.

According to one of those responsible for the Santara clinics, the establishment of a temporary hospital would be quite difficult not only in legal terms, but also in the search for personnel when it is already lacking in medical institutions.

28 people at Santara clinics are being treated in resuscitation

According to data from November 17, 154 patients with COVID-19 are being treated in the Santara clinics, 28 of them in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit.

From 154 patients – 3 children.

At present, 208 patients are treated in support hospitals: 122 patients at the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital, 4 of them in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit, 43 patients in the Alytus V. Kudirka Hospital, 4 of them in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Unit, 27 patients in the Ukmerg Hospital, of them – 2 in the Resuscitation and Intensive Care Department, in the Vilnius Republican University Hospital – 16 patients.

According to data from Tuesday morning, 94 percent of all beds for treating Covid-19 patients in hospitals in the Vilnius region were occupied.

What is the situation in Vilnius?

With the increase in patients with COVID-19, Vilnius is considering expanding the number of beds in the facilities of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital (VMKL) and, in a difficult situation, the polyclinic, the Litexpo Exhibition Center, would be used, to help, announced the Vilnius City Council.

Currently, more than 120 patients are treated in the VKML building on Antakalnio Street, 130 beds have been prepared and staff of the appropriate size have been assembled.

According to the municipality, in one of the pavilions, where there is a bed, it is planned to build additional oxygen “points” here, and the hospital is equipped with the missing heart rate monitors.

The possibility of installing about 100 places in the VMKL polyclinic without major investments and transformations is also being considered.

“This option would also address personnel issues. In an emergency, patients at this polyclinic could be temporarily entrusted to family doctors at Antakalnis polyclinic (Calle Antakalnio 59), and doctors at VMKL polyclinic would be transferred for coronavirus treatment afterwards. of some authorization ”, informs the municipality.

For the moment, the clinical hospital building next to the polyclinic is seen as a more realistic reserve of hospital places, where at least 50 more beds with private oxygen could be used if the provision of surgical and therapeutic services were cut in half.

According to Povilas Poderskis, director of the municipal administration, the Santara clinics have expressed the expectation of doubling the number of places for patients with coronavirus, but this would also require the contribution of other hospitals in the region.

The municipality also ensures that additional places will be provided on its own, and the Ministry of Health, which allocated $ 50 million in August. Financing in euros for the adaptation of hospitals to patients with COVID-19, the Municipality of Vilnius did not allocate funds to medical institutions.

Nursing elders would be placed at St. At Rock Hospital

According to the municipality, in search of a hospital to care for elderly patients who are already recovering from the coronavirus and do not require special treatment, St. Rock Hospital in Antakalnis. The M.Minkinkevičius hospital next to the bus station is also being evaluated for this purpose, but the transfer of 200 nursing patients to other places should also be decided here.

The M. Marcinkevičius Hospital has about 70 beds with oxygen, but if the artificial lung ventilation device is turned on, additional liquid oxygen tanks should be installed; a suitable place was found.

The municipality is also consulting with the Molėtai Hospital to be able to transfer part of the nursing patients there, which would require a decision from the operations manager.

Litexpo will become a temporary hospital

After the completion of other hospitals, the municipality plans to install a temporary hospital at the Litexpo fairgrounds.

“Lease terms are being negotiated and, at the same time, public contracting is being carried out for the purchase or lease of gas tanks, the installation of an oxygen system and the supply of various equipment necessary for a medical institution. These contracts will not be activated until they are necessary, but it is possible that the oxygen tanks will be built in advance or will be directed to another hospital, ”says the municipality.

It is also claimed that the municipality is already receiving offers from current or former doctors to help if a temporary hospital opens.

The municipality claims to be constantly replenishing the reserve of personal protective equipment, in addition to having obtained gifts from various institutions and various necessary equipment: functional and resuscitation beds, oxygen concentrators and even tablets to communicate with family members.
