Šimonytė promises to announce the names of the ministers “in the near future”, more clarity – in the evening


“I think I may have more information tonight when the candidates that I will nominate are announced. The status remains indefinite, because I have no official opportunity to offer until someone has voted for me, “I. Šimonytė told reporters on Tuesday.

I. Šimonytė pointed out that if he did not vote in parliament for his own candidacy, he could not officially nominate ministers for President Gitan Nausėda.

“There is such a stage of work now, but of course those names will be revealed soon, and I will probably be able to tell you more at night, when and in what way,” he said.

When asked if the last names will be announced at night, he said he couldn’t say yet.

According to I. Šimonytė, the officially proposed cabinet of ministers could be presented to the president no later than next week, as far as she knows, her own candidacy is due on Thursday.

“This (official cabinet handover) could happen next week at the earliest, but since a tribute should already be paid to the public and the public has a right to know what names I would suggest considering, it will be known fairly soon, I will report in the evening how and how”. , – said the candidate for prime minister.

The presidency has confirmed to BNS that I. Šimonytė’s candidacy will be presented to the Seimas on Thursday.

I. Šimonytė’s candidacy for the post of Prime Minister is proposed by the center-right coalition, which is made up of the National Union and the Lithuanian Christian Democrats, the Liberal Movement and the Freedom Party. They have 74 seats out of 141 in the Seimas.

According to the Statute of the Seimas, when the president presents his candidacy, the candidate has the floor and answers questions. The appointment of the Prime Minister is then referred to the political groups. Your application must be considered within a maximum period of two business days.

No later than one week after the presentation of the Prime Minister’s candidacy, another session of the Seimas will be convened to make a decision on the nomination presented.

The Prime Minister, no later than 15 days after his appointment, will present to the Seimas the Government formed by him and approved by the President, and will submit the program of this Government for consideration.

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