The court revokes VPT’s order to suspend competition in national stadiums Business


Verslo žinios was the first to announce the court decision on Monday.

According to the court, VPT did not have sufficient grounds to consider that the project did not meet the characteristics of the concession and that the concession was illegal and unreasonable, and therefore to order the termination of the concession procedures.

“This finding, therefore, must be declared illegal and annulled,” the court ruled in the SNB.

In this way, the court satisfied the complaint of the Vilnius city municipality before the VPT and, among other things, awarded 6.5 thousand. euro.

The decision of the Vilnius Regional Court can be appealed to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal within 30 days.

Poderski evaluates the decision “moderately optimistic”

Povilas Poderskis, director of the Vilnius city municipal administration, said he was “moderately optimistic” about the court decision.

He also said that he hoped the new government and other institutions – the Office of Public Procurement, the Central Agency for Project Management – would be persuaded by the “excellent” legal arguments.

“In this case, we will be able to sign the contract this year and start working, which would be the biggest benefit for the city of Vilnius and for the fluctuating economy: around 100 million.” investments, creating an economically viable object, ”said P. Poderskis.

After several years of bidding, the municipality planned to sign a concession contract with Axis’s winning industries and the project’s financier Baltcap in March. This was supported by both the municipal council and the government.

Under a joint agreement between the municipality, builders, financiers and the Government, the complex would be managed by Kauno Arena for more than two decades. It was expected to be built in 2023.

Complex with 15 thousand. the construction of the stadium and other facilities would have cost about 93.2 million. However, after the payments have been spread over 25 years, a total of almost € 156 million is planned to be paid to the BaltCap Fund. euros.

The government’s share, according to the draft contract, would have been around $ 54.5 million. 101.5 million euros, municipalities. euros.

However, in March the VPN did not allow the signing of the concession contract, the signature was suspended at the request of the Financial Crimes Service (FNTT) and the Attorney General’s Office.

Law enforcement agencies sought to determine whether the increase in the value of the concession after negotiations was reasonable and legal.

VPT affirmed in May that the concession contract should have separated the state and municipal risks, but after changing the financing model of the project, they had all the risks, so the planned signing of agreements with Icor does not concern Axis Industries. it can be considered a concession contract.

Following the VPN commitment and the analysis of alternatives, the Government announced that there were several possibilities for the construction of a football stadium in Vilnius, but indicated that the idea of ​​a National Stadium was closer to that.

At that time, President Gitanas Nausėda asked the Vilnius authorities to agree with the Government on a concrete and transparent project.

In addition to the stadium, the national stadium complex also includes an athletics stadium, a sports complex with gymnastics, handball, volleyball, boxing, basketball courts, a community and cultural educational center with a library, a 300-seat kindergarten and a sports museum.
