Modus Group applies for loans in the capital market for the second time


Aware: 2020-11-16 12:14

Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

Modus Group begins to distribute second bond issues. The goal is to borrow up to 8 million over 3 years. Eur u 5%.

The distribution will take place in two stages during the first distribution, which will last for 3 weeks, with the aim of obtaining a loan of 5 million. EUR. Bond investors can also buy bonds.

The bonds are borrowed to refinance previous bond issues for the development of the renewable energy and mobility business.

Part of the funds raised in the second edition will be used to refinance the first issue, and we will also direct them to the priority areas of the group of companies, which generate value not only for businesses, but also for society as a whole. Investments in renewable energy and affordable mobility solutions are the foundation of our sustainable growth, according to the report, Erika Zakarauskien, CFO of Modus Group.

The first issue of Modus Group Bonds was distributed in 2017. At the end of 2018, trading started in 2018. summer. So borrow 5 million. The euro was successful and investors offered an annual salary of 5%.

The issuer claims that the second bond issue after the distribution will also be listed on the Nasdaq Firsth North alternative market.

The bonds are distributed by iauli bankas. Sorainen and his partners provided legal advice.

Modus Group complements the recent active bidding period in the local market. The indebtedness follows the failed distribution of the Baltic Horizon Fund’s shares and the distribution of representatives from the real estate sector, in which Capitalica Fund and UAB Eika borrowed the maximum salaries, 6.5% (EUR 3 million) and 5% (EUR 5 million), respectively. .

Modus Group’s EBITDA reached 56.8 million last year. Eur, almost 3 times higher compared to 2018.

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