Lithuanian Cardinal H. Gulbinowicz dies – Vatican pleads guilty to sexual exploitation


While writing, former Apostolic Administrator of Białystok and Metropolitan of Wrocław, died on Monday at the age of 97. “Considered a legendary person for many years, he was turned off in the whirlwind of scandal,” the portal writes.

Born in Vilnius, supported “Solidarity”

H. Gulbinowiczius was born in Vilnius hospital in 1923, he grew up in Šukiškės, a town near Buivydžiai. He studied at the Vilnius Priests Seminary and later, at the end of World War II, moved to Bialystok, where he was ordained a priest in 1950. Later he became a priest in Białystok, taught moral and ethical theology at the Higher Seminary of Hosianum Priests in Olsztyn and became rector of the seminary.

In 1970 he was appointed Apostolic Administrator in Białystok, and in 1975 as Metropolitan of Wrocław, and he was ordained a cardinal ten years later. He served as Metropolitan of Wrocław until 2004, when he became emeritus.

Scanpix / AP Photo / Cardinal Henryk Roman Gulbinowicz (left)

Scanpix / AP Photo / Cardinal Henryk Roman Gulbinowicz (left)

In times of “solidarity” in Poland, the cardinal was a cult figure, supporting workers during strikes and urging them to defend their truth. Already in the past he had drawn the attention of the security of the People’s Republic of Poland, he had met regularly with officials. At that time, there were also complaints about H. Gulbinowicz’s homosexual relationships and harassment of the clergy.

Studied by both historians and the Vatican according to 2019. In May, one of the sexually exploited men announced publicly that he had been the victim of sexual exploitation by Cardinal H. Gulbinowicz 30 years ago. At the time, the man was just a 16-year-old boy and was studying at the Lower Franciscan Priests Seminary in Legnica.

Historians from the IPN Office of Historical Studies wrote about H. Gulbinowicz’s contacts with the security service during the time of the People’s Republic of Poland, and in an article published in July this year it may be that the cardinal agreed to communicate with the security forces not only because of good relations with the government. homosexual relations with young men.

The Holy See, after investigating the charges against Cardinal H. Gulbinowicz, Archbishop Emeritus of Wrocław, found him guilty.

The apostolic nunciature in Poland announced more than a week ago that the Holy See, after investigating charges against sexual exploitation, illicit homosexual relationships and cooperation with the security of communist Poland, had been investigated by Cardinal H. Gulbinowicz , Archbishop of Wrocław.

The Holy See forbade the cardinal any public activity of the cleric, deprived him of the right to wear the insignia of the bishop and deprived him of the privilege of burying him in the cathedral. It was said that the Cardinal would also have to pay a fine to Saint Paul, set by the Polish Episcopal Conference. Joseph’s Foundation to support victims of sexual violence in the church setting. Informed about it

Two weeks ago, the cardinal’s health deteriorated dramatically, he was hospitalized and his life was sustained by artificial respiration.

Białystok will consider, Vilnius district – no

The leaders of the city of Białystok, whose honorary citizen H. Gulbinowicz has been declared, have already announced that they will consider withdrawing this title from the cardinal.

The Vilnius District City Council is not a judicial institution, therefore, according to its competence, it does not make decisions that judge or condemn people, was the comment of M. Rekst.

However, the leaders of the Vilnius district municipality have no such thoughts at least for the moment. District Mayor Marija Rekst 15 minutes It did not respond whether it would consider changing the city council’s decision to award Honorary Citizen H. Gulbinowicz and the names of the streets that bear his name, but assured that the city council is not a court.

“The Vilnius District Municipal Council is not a judicial institution, therefore, according to its competence, it does not make decisions judging or condemning people,” was M. Regst’s comment on the situation.

The Archdiocese of Wrocław has yet to provide any information on the cardinal’s death, where he will be buried or when.
