The leadership of the Seimas is not yet in place and the Statute is already being modified: some issues will provoke a storm of debate


On the fact that the program is preparing a package of various amendments to the Statute of the Seimas “Delphi Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen mentioned in the spotlight.

“One of the main objectives is to improve the legislative process. I think that the next initiatives can be presented in much more detail. But the objective that I am talking about is also enshrined in our coalition treaty: legislation must be raised to the next qualitative level. I believe that the determination of our coalition means that all members of the Seimas will also take responsibility, ”said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

Vytautas Landsbergis, honorary president of the Union of the Lithuanian Christian Homeland-Democrat (TS-LKD), who participated in the fair, was satisfied with these initiatives.

“I would like to start by congratulating the president. We look forward to productive parliamentary work. May parliament be not a fuss but a place of creativity, a state construction site. I was pleased to hear from the President that amendments to the Statute of the Seimas are already being prepared, without wait for a new direction of the Seimas to form, and so on. It is necessary to prepare in advance and it is good that it is being done now, “said V. Landsbergis.

Gradually accustom the Seimas to a new pace of work

The vice president of Seimas, conservative Jurgis Razma Delfi, confirmed that he knows the proposals presented in a fragmentary way. Some of them are apparently technical.

“There are not many amendments to the Statute yet. Some of them I could mention. Let’s say you propose to waive the obligation to complete the session work program for the project to be considered. I have suggested this before when I was in opposition.

Because when we formally complete a work schedule and only then allow the project itself to be presented, we attach fully formal, flow-through draft resolutions. At least a few dozen laws should be lowered just for that, ”Razma said.

At the same time, the vice president of Seimas pointed out that only amendments to the Statute will not reduce the flow.

“It just came to our attention then. There has to be more waiting and corrections for one project at a time. There should be more coordination between government ministries so that draft amendments to the same law are presented in a more coordinated way, in instead of each ministry correcting some detail that they noticed at the time.

Before the amendments are received before they are adopted, they are merged into one project, and then that flow would be less, and after that there could be a merger of current laws into more general laws – codes. So bigger and more general laws would lead to fewer amendments statistically in the future, ”said J. Razma.

The conservative also recalled that even during the election, one of the promises was related to the need for more debate before the laws are passed, without haste.

“It just came to our attention then. But here it is no longer the amendments to the Statute of the Seimas that have to lead to something, but to different labor traditions. I am not saying that it will be successful immediately, because there are still many projects registered. There will not be very strong changes at the beginning of the work. It will come little by little, “said Razma, who believes that the opposition will adopt a new pace of work.

Perhaps the famous Kepenis Commission will not stay in the next Seimas

The rulers have already declared their desire for there to be six vice presidents of the Seimas. Delfi recalls that their number is no longer the subject of discussions in the Seimas of the first legislature. The “peasants” who came to power last legislature reduced the number of vice presidents from seven to five. 2018 in September, the then rulers changed their minds and finally that number rose again to seven.

“The Speaker has mentioned that as many Vice Presidents as there were during the last term of the Seimas will be appointed, but that seventh place would not be filled,” said J. Razma.

As for the work of the Seimas, according to the Vice Presidents of the Seimas, there are proposals to resign from a part of the old commissions of the previous mandate.

“There were dubious commissions, like, for example, the Migration Commission and, alongside it, the Seimas and the Lithuanian World Commission. They deal with similar issues. Or the Healthy Living Commission. After all, a healthy lifestyle it is only one aspect of the work of the Health Committee. It is obvious that such commissions were due to the fact that there were very energetic enthusiasts among the rulers who needed to receive some kind of flag to make them feel important, “said J. Razma.

The vice president of Seimas explained that a lower number of commissions would also lead to a reduction in the number of “unnecessary initiatives” that burden the Seimas.

The Culture Committee will not destroy, it has the idea to establish a new one

The rulers of the Culture Committee, which was created in the last legislature, do not intend to abolish it.

Imagine, now that people in the field of culture find themselves in a very difficult situation, the news that the abolition of the Culture Commission would look very bad. No one has made such proposals. Although it was founded politically, I think it has found its place. The field of culture is very important. If the pandemic continues, we will have to think a lot about the situation of the cultural sector, there will be something to do for that committee, ”said J. Razma.

According to him, there are ideas to create a new committee: the Future.

“The discussions are not over yet, but we know from the experience of other countries that there are such committees that discuss future strategy. (…) If it were created, it would be similar to the European Affairs Commission, which would be the second commission of the Seimas members, and not the only one they have to choose ”, explained J. Razma.

According to the vice president of Seimas, the activities of this committee are related not only to the economic development of the country.

“It just came to our attention then. This would be the place to formulate a vision for the future. This would help to understand the directions of change in individual areas. The various issue committees often get caught up in the daily flow of routine projects. that are being considered, and it is not the case that each of them can look at the future of their field with vision and vision. In such a committee, those things could be concentrated, “said J. Razma.

According to the vice president of Seimas, there are no initiatives to change the existing political tradition regarding which committees are headed by the rulers and which by the opposition representatives.

“I have not heard that there are suggestions to change that and reduce in any way the possibilities of the opposition. It is already established in our country that the Audit Committee, the Ethics and Procedures Commissions, and the Anti-Corruption Commissions are headed by representatives of the opposition. That will probably be the case, and in other committees, the opposition will probably have the position of vice-chairs, “Razma said.

Ideas to privatize the Seimas hotel are floating

The vice president of Seimas is convinced that the new governors will return to the issue of defining by law the working conditions and guarantees of the members of Seimas.

“I am convinced that the current coalition will not behave as the former rulers did when we learn that the bill on working conditions and guarantees for Seimas members was frozen in the Agnė Širinskienė Committee. (…) I think when it is committees are established, that project will be carried out.

All factions will be consulted in this regard, since the working conditions of the members of the Seimas are not only a matter for the rulers, the Constitutional Court has demanded that this be resolved by law and not by the Statute of the Seimas, as is the case now . We cannot live in constitutional nihilism for long, “said J. Razma.

The vice president of Seimas says he will hear “many votes” among the rulers who propose to leave the Seimas hotel.

“Of course, it may not do so immediately from January 1, but maybe in a year or so it will be possible to provide housing allowances for the next members of the Seimas, (() and hand over the hotel for privatization “There is still no 100% solution, but there were many votes in favor,” said J. Razma.

Thinking about how to work during a pandemic

The vice president of Seimas also explained that a small draft amendment has been prepared, which is related to attendance at sessions. It is proposed to provide that the presence of a member of the Seimas in a session is registered not only by voting in the adoption phase.

“The Constitutional Court evaluated all votes equally in the presentation and deliberation stages,” said J. Razma.

Amendments related to the work of Seimas members in pandemic conditions are also being prepared. Consideration is being given to concentrating the votes of the Seimas members in each session in a narrow interval, probably at the end of the session.

In this way, the situation of the pandemic would be taken into account to minimize contacts. (…) At one point we had started to work like this, but then he retired. It is suggested to return to that practice, “said J. Razma.

According to him, the possibility of having a member of the Seimas participate in the discussion from a distance is also being considered.

“If the technologies were put in order, then a member of the Seimas could join in and speak from his cabinet. This would require a small amendment to the Charter. This would reduce the risks that the members of the Seimas could infect each other, say, if there were cases asymptomatic, ”said J. Razma.

Some fixes will be made soon

According to the vice president of Seimas, some of the proposals related to amendments to the Statute of Seimas could be considered soon.

“First of all, we need to form committees, commissions. The presentation of another amendment to the Statute can be even this week, if there is a meeting on Thursday,” Razma said.

According to him, it is not planned to combine all modifications in one project.

“This time, unfortunately, we will not be able to boast that we reduce traffic in this way, but in one case some may not like one provision, in another, in another, then it is difficult to accept, so it is better to continue go ahead with individual projects, “Razma said. .

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