Coincidence or brutal revenge of the first? Mios drama to go to court for leaked intimate shots Names


On Friday, on the popular gossip platform Discord, Anonymous posted photos of intimate parts of Mios’ body. True, a stranger there also hinted that an erotic video with this artist will be released soon.

15 minutes The interpreter herself assured that she was aware of the situation, that she herself knew her revelation a couple of days ago. “It just came to our attention then. And I saw that photo, she is infinitely older. I also saw the video ” 15 minutes Mia said and added that the culprits are well known to her.

“He secretly filmed me and blackmailed me.”

According to the woman, the story of how this photo appeared on the social network dates back to a year when Mia Pilibaitytė and Nerijus Antanavičius were, at least in the eyes of the public, a beautiful couple. However, it is clear from the artist’s history that it was probably just a facade.

“Why have I been married to my ex-husband for so long? Because he kept blackmailing me. He and the videos have been filmed without my knowing or seeing. Photos have been taken constantly since the beginning of our wedding and I was blackmailed for it.

And those outgoing photos are taken by him, the shots that he shared with one of his friends, who is also involved in it. I even know why he gathered information, a commitment before me, he had a very clear reason from the first day of our marriage ”, the artist hinted.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia and Nerijus Antanavičius

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia and Nerijus Antanavičius

15 minutes When asked about what Nerius could be taking revenge on Mia, the woman assured that she knew too much about her ex-husband. She said that she wants him to keep quiet about his potentially criminal past.

“Nerijus owes me a lot of money that he has stolen from me without my knowledge and even when we are not married. Let him go with his money and leave me alone. Money will not bring you happiness because you are not riding a foreign horse to paradise.

It is because a lot has been stolen from him that he has gathered information and made a compromise about me. To keep quiet. And I was silent. I was silent for a long time, “Mia said.

It is because a lot has been stolen from him that he has gathered information and made a compromise about me. To keep quiet. And I was silent. I was silent for a long time, Mia said.

However, the woman said that she later spoke to her friends, but word soon spread. “God and I have told myself. But if she is so stupid that she doesn’t realize that I wanted to help her, maybe they found each other and deserve it, “added the singer.

According to Mios, since the beginning of her marriage, N. Antanavičius has never had a job, the woman had to remove it from all her hair and keep it. “And how much money did I give to her business, even though everyone was talking loudly about Mia going bankrupt.

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Examination of the divorce case of Mija Pilibaitytė

Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Examination of the divorce case of Mija Pilibaitytė

In fact, the restaurant was not opened for me, only in my name, so that there would be no publicity ”, revealed the interlocutor.

Did Alieva participate?

It is true that according to Mios, not only her ex-lover, but also her current friend from the heart, interpreter Goda Aliyeva, is trying to deal with it. M. Pilibaitytė stated that he received several messages from the interpreter, which he would use in court.

“What messages I received yesterday from Goda himself, from him … For legal reasons, I cannot make them public, but trust me, the feeling that I corresponded with two unstable people,” Mia said, mysteriously adding: instead of Roland Aliyev, I would be very interested in the environment your children grow up in. “

Due to the situation, Mia said that she receives many messages of support from friends, family, and fans. However, some of those texts deal with G. Aliyev.

“It just came to our attention then. She is so talkative and has written scary things about me in public. This is a tragedy. I can’t imagine how much anger a person feels, I don’t realize what they need from me. I think they are having fun, that’s a lot of fun for them, but I always say that the last one laughs.

I personally live a quiet life, I have many jobs, all the way I wanted. And now, having escaped the hell that I lived with him, do I still have something to explain? Because all of this? I just want to honestly ask him why he or they are doing it, ”the artist asked, adding that she had proof that Aliyeva was seeking compromising information about her.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Goda Alijeva

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Goda Alijeva

Called psycho

However, Mia said she wasn’t too shocked by the photos posted. After so many years of marriage, the behavior of her former lover is no longer surprising.

“As far as I know Spit for 7 years, I have received both blackmail and moral violence … And not only moral. But every step that man took no longer surprises me. This is degradation because only a morally degraded person can do it. I missed a lot of things. What I told the television, the press, is only the tip of the iceberg.

What happened behind closed doors, no one even imagines what this man is ready for. I think he’s mentally ill, a psychopath. Of course, I am not a doctor, I cannot confirm this diagnosis, but in my eyes, in my personal opinion, he is a mentally ill person, because a normal person would not do that, ”he said.

The woman also stated the alleged reason why her ex-husband may have done it. It is said that he recently suffered a loss in the family, so he is supposedly looking for a place to download.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Nerijus Antanavičius

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Nerijus Antanavičius

“Knowing that I have a son, knowing that my parents are sick … Knowing all these things and the loss and pain of a loved one, could you wish, being of normal psyche, another person such a thing? I do not think so.

But my fear is over. I didn’t kill a person, I didn’t steal anything, I didn’t do anything wrong. I lived, as everyone lives their own life, their married life. It can happen to every man, to every woman, to every man.

I don’t expect anything legally yet. And today I am no longer ashamed of myself, I am ashamed of them. They think they laugh at me, but today everyone laughs at them. At least for those messages from which I receive it, everyone is shocked by his behavior, shocked.

We have all made one mistake or another, we learn from them if we are smart people. But I really didn’t deserve this, “Mia said.

The first time I heard about it and I don’t even want to hear it. Well, there are more interesting people – said Aliyeva

The artists also raise questions about Nerijus’ criminal past. The woman who has accumulated evidence wonders how her ex-husband is still on the loose.

“It just came to our attention then. Yes, he has a criminal record. Of course, the police will explain all the facts,” said the woman.

Photo by LNK / Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia

Photo by LNK / Vilija Pilibaitytė-Mia

At the same time, he did not miss the opportunity to encourage victims of blackmail to contact the police. As she said, she may have done it too late herself and now has to deal with a situation that is already much more complicated.

“Very terrible times have come because no woman or man can live in safety even with her partner, husband or wife. You can never be sure who will shoot you in the head, what information you have gathered during your life together.

And I believe that anyone who is blackmailed should not wait for the blackmail to be made public, gather information and act, “concluded the interlocutor.

Aliyeva: “What are you talking about?”

15 minutes contacted N.Antanavičius’s current lover, G.Alijeva, mentioned in the Mios story. After mentioning the allegations made by the artists about information gathering and blackmail, the woman said she had nothing to comment on.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about? The first time I heard about it and I don’t even want to hear it. Well, there are more interesting people,” said G. Alieva.

N.Antanavičius: “She slanders me”

Tuomet 15 minutes contacted the man around whom the entire axis of Mios’s history revolves: the artist’s ex-wife, N. Antanavičius. The man, in turn, presented a different version of the story.

And so I was slandered throughout Lithuania as the greatest repeat offender, the consequences of which I feel even now, said N. Antanavičius.

According to N. Antanavičius, the photos were sent to him by friends, during which he learned about the shots.

“The point is this: First of all, if you were more attentive, you would see that a third person did it. In the photo you can see that she is communicating with the person above her, ”assured N. Antanavičius.

It is true that from the poor quality photos it is difficult to know if the camera was placed on the furniture or if the third person mentioned by N. Antanavičius is standing there.

“If there was a built-in camera, I don’t think anyone would want to do anything in front of the camera except some perverted people,” Mios’s ex-wife continued to comment.

He also said that he did not believe the photos were taken a long time ago. “Clearly, what is the best fault of what? An ex-man because we broke up not with the beautiful one, but with the angry one. She slanders me. I was definitely not the third person to stop and film, “said the interlocutor.

According to N. Antanavičius, Mia allegedly mixed him up with another lover who supposedly liked so much fun.

“Not surprisingly, the languages ​​in Lithuania pass, how he likes to have fun and what he does. Leave her [kaltininko] looking in another environment. I haven’t interacted with her for two years, we don’t have any relationship with her. I am a happily divorced man, now I live in order.

As for your free behavior, don’t blame the man you are angry with. So they slandered me with Lithuania as the biggest repeat offender, the consequences of which I still feel now, ”said N. Antanavičius.

When asked about the theft charge, Mios’s ex-husband claimed it was Mios’s personal opinion. “It just came to our attention then. If you think I’m here, let her go to court, look at what photos were taken, when, where they were taken, etc. Then I will meet her in court,” the man said.

After talking about possible blackmail, N. Antanavičius asked if Mia understood the meaning of the word.

“I would like her to provide proof of where I blackmailed her. Let her use the messages in which I blackmail her and find out from the dictionary what the word “blackmail” means, Antanavičius said.

Due to the situation, Mia said she would write a statement with the attorneys on Monday. By the way, after hearing the answer from N. Antanavičius 15 minutes she was very surprised.

“There have been no such situations in my life that involve a third person. Free behavior?” I have not looked at another man in the five years that I have lived with him, “Mia assured.

She admitted to having a friend of her heart for a long time after the divorce, but said she never would.
