After contact with the patient, the disabled man turned to Veryga: how do I feed the children?


“On November 2, I received an SMS with a link to a questionnaire on whether I needed incapacity to work because I had contact with a sick person. It was written in the questionnaire that within 2 days my doctor will be informed and will write an inability to work.
My doctor has not received any information so far, and he cannot fix the incapacity for work, in turn the company where I work as an accountant cannot pay me an October salary because there is no “newsletter” and I have not been at work since 26 … Is it like feeding the children if I don’t get money because of you? Where do we live in self-isolation? Delfi also received a copy of said message dedicated to Robert, Minister of Health.
The portal received similar complaints and more. Reader Aistė wrote that fifteen days had already passed since she had contact with the COVID-19 patient and she had to isolate herself.

“Calling a general phone before connecting with a consultant requires a very long wait. After calling and providing all the information, the consultant asked if an inability to work was required. Because it is needed because I am working. The consultant said that she was sending information / confirmation to the polyclinic to give me incapacity for work, ”Aistė said.

After contacting the GP, the woman heard that she had not received any information.

“Today is November 6, but the polyclinic has not yet received approval from NVSC. I called the general telephone at 8 am 9min, I waited 1h14min before connecting with the consultant, and the latter, refilling it, said that he had already sent a confirmation to the polyclinic for incapacity for work.

After calling the family doctors, I received a response that they had not received any information about my isolation from the NVSC, so they could not give me incapacity to work. I don’t know where the problem is … I wrote an email about the situation at NVSC, but did not get a response, “Aistė said.

Mentioned on the simplified procedure to obtain incapacity for work

Health Minister Aurelius Veryga recalled at a press conference on Monday that it is somewhat easier for GPs to prescribe sick leave for family members.

“For other people, the family doctor really cannot know who does or does not need this disability to work. The NVSC is trying to use additional resources to provide timely and relevant information,” said A. Veryga, suggesting that the NVSC be contacted for get more specific data.

NSVC representative Austina Vženiauskaitė said that without personal data they could not verify specific situations.
In general, he advised people in this situation on two things. First, verify that the system is verified for disability when filling in the data. If the data is provided correctly but the problem persists, you should contact NSVC by email or phone.

The most important information about the procedure for issuing incapacity for work
The Ministry of Social Security and Labor recalls that as the pandemic continues and the whole country returns to stricter restrictions, the working population in some cases has the opportunity to request a personal health institution for temporary incapacity for work and payment sickness benefit.

As before, the coronavirus-related inability to work requires remote access to a personal healthcare facility. If it is difficult to call due to the abundance of calls, it is possible to try at another time or the next day; certificates of incapacity for work can be issued retroactively, but not for more than 5 business days.

However, there are also innovations: when a person needs to be isolated due to exposure to a cohabiting family member who is infected with the coronavirus, a certificate of inability to work can be issued without a certificate from the National Health Center. Public, but only if family members are treated by the same family doctor. The special codes for the issuance of incapacity for work due to compulsory isolation have also been modified.

This procedure is provided for in the General Order of the Ministers of Health and Social Security and Labor on the issuance of electronic certificates of incapacity for work during a pandemic.

You can read more about the procedure for issuing work disability during a pandemic and the amounts of the benefits here.

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