The age for a good erection is not the limit: the urologist told you how to maintain it until old age


– In fact, this topic is sufficiently avoided in Lithuania.

– Probably avoided because it is related to men’s health. Men don’t dare to talk about their health at all. Even more so if it is an intimate subject about the genitals. It often happens that wives are forced to visit the doctor.

– Women are leaders in our society in terms of health. What can we say to such a man? I often hear that 50 years is the limit and that there is nothing to look forward to afterwards.

– This is one of the myths about erections. What matters is not the physiological age but the biological age of how I live properly. The same 20-year-old who smokes, drinks, is overweight, may not have an erection. An 80-year-old man who exercises, eats healthy, can have an erection for a long time. But these days, the situation is changing and men are beginning to wonder what can be done. There are more young patients who want to be evaluated prophylactically, this was not the case 10 years ago. And that is very good, we are waiting for you.

Valery Morozov, Vitaly Varygin

Valery Morozov, Vitaly Varygin

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

– If a person is over 40 years old, overweight, they probably have doubts about their testosterone levels. But he unequivocally wants to put all the blame on testosterone alone, try it, and get supplements. Do they have an effect or not?

– I often tell patients that an erection is our mirror. Everything we have gained in our lives is a reflection of what we have. Food, sports, physiological and psychological aspects affect erections. The patient himself must have a more responsible view of his health. If a person does not exercise, does not monitor nutrition and says to give him an erection pill, I tell him, honey, he will not. It can only help, the main thing is your health.

– Another boring doctor who says you need to exercise, live healthy, watch your weight, avoid stress.

– There must always be a balance in life. Very often I come to consult about fertility: an ideal person, who leads a healthy life, but who faces this problem. Then I say that maybe you live too healthy, maybe your body has been weakened by it. Exactly the same with an erection, no ideal is needed. There has to be a balance. It is clear that you can drink during the holidays. If we begin to change our harmful habits through force, there will be emotional and psychological stress that will further disrupt the erection. We cannot tell a recipe when there will be an erection. It all depends on many factors.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

© Unsplash

– It is still very fashionable to find a culprit. As we’ve discovered, age is clearly not the culprit.

– Really so. Age is clearly not the culprit, but over the years, people begin to develop cardiovascular disease. An erection is part of the circulatory system. Lifestyle correction is not to improve erections, but to cure diseases. And along with the improvement will come the improvement of the erection. We have not yet talked about various psycho-emotional disorders. About 80 percent. erectile dysfunction related to our psychological health. I always tell patients an example. I came back from work tired, there were some problems at work, I did not fall in love with my wife so much, but there was no special erection. The next time I feel good, we get into sex and then I think: the last time an erection was bad, is it now or not? All in all, that thought will be enough to prevent you from getting an erection. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether it is a metabolic disorder or a psychological cause. Men have to show something in front of our partner. Therefore, those thoughts about erections lasted a long time. When a person is alone, these thoughts do not usually interfere.

– Another myth is that when we do something alone, we “divide” those times dedicated to intercourse, because there is a finite number programmed and nothing goes out with the partner.

– That is quite difficult to confirm or deny. I am certainly not in favor of this point of view. It all starts with our testosterone and prostate. Most urologists recommend making love at least 3 times a week. This is the smallest number. Although you can do it every day, but everything will show on the body. Why is making love 3 times a week healthy for us? The prostate practically does not work without sex, only during it does it improve its activity and blood circulation. Prostate disease and erectile dysfunction occur in old age because we have less and less sex. Children, family and routine are bored. I jokingly say that I would not want to eat strawberries in my whole life and that is normal. We begin to avoid sex, which leads to circulatory, metabolic disorders, testosterone problems.

Sex of older people.

Sex of older people.

– This is to stay healthy, you need to go a bit to the left. But let’s not give that recipe.

– We cannot talk about such things out loud … But today there are many fashionable doctors, such as sexologists, who work with partners. It’s true that having sex together for a long time gets worse if we don’t do something. If we don’t want to be different, but sex isn’t what it is, a variety of tips can help. One is simply changing your position, your place.

– Is this how to help? There are several home remedies. For example, in my childhood I heard that sour cream with eggs helps.

– I avoid talking about homeopathic remedies, I did not learn from them. We cannot recommend them because they have not been researched. Just because my neighbor took chocolate and helped him doesn’t mean he will help him. But you can try. If it is a herbal remedy, folk medicine, they will not worsen our health, maybe they will improve it.

Sex with older people.

Sex of older people.

– Then I won’t ask about horseradish or ginseng root or banana. You mentioned what people often fear: when we start treatment with drugs, we will not be able to do without them.

– Another myth. Many patients fear that they will not have their own erection without medication. Definitely not. Its effects are short-lived and end when you stop taking the drug. However, those patients who are completely sure of themselves and start taking medications that help them think that they will not be able to do anything without them. And those thoughts make erections difficult. Very often I see that young psychiatric patients are hampered simply by psychological issues. Another myth is that an erection must necessarily be made of iron. There has to be something at stake, and if there isn’t, there can’t be sex either. Basically, the sexual process does not require an iron erection. The couple can also experience pleasure. People are born with different erections, there are some classifications for this: cucumber, banana with peel and banana without peel.

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