Mindaugas Sėjūnas became depressed after the loss of his pet: “He died on my shoulder” | Names


Kristina Rimienė, the host of the show, and Mindaugas Sėjūnas, the host, director and actor, spoke about the extraordinary relationship between a person and a pet on TV3’s Sunday show “The World According to Women.”

Animals occupy a very important place in the life of M. Sėjūnas. The true vocation of his life became clear at the age of fourteen, when on his birthday he met … with a horse at the table and dreamed of raising toads, crocodiles and pythons.

Passion for animals

Today, Mindaugas generously shares his love and care for all living things: he rescues injured and homeless animals, he helps them as much as he can, because he simply cannot go through suffering. It pains him that there are still dogs in Lithuania, bred on a short chain, which, according to Mindaugas, is a sign of a backward state.

Photo by TV3 / Mindaugas Sėjūnas

Photo by TV3 / Mindaugas Sėjūnas

The family supports his passion, but as the guest on the show says, there are limits: “If the python goes home, everyone else will escape, I’ll be left alone with the toads.” The family has reached a compromise: They are raising a dog and plan to have even more.

Depression after a persistent fight for the life of a friend and his loss.

Mindaugas does not hide that one of the greatest losses in his life was the death of the puppy Ralph. The loss shocked the man so much that he even became depressed.

“I didn’t want anything, neither work nor go, lie down, my body was exhausted, my psyche was also on edge,” says Mindaugas, who gave all his energy to save the pet from death.

“I would eat anything, I would not sleep at night, I would wake up every few hours to take diuretics, I had a lot of problems and apparently the whole body would shut down and it was a terribly difficult time.”

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Mindaugas Sėjūnas

Sigismund Gedvila / 15 minute photo / Mindaugas Sėjūnas

This loss has cost a lot, both financially and psychologically, and has damaged health. But Mindaugas did everything he could to save his familiar. He spent a month with the dog in the room, changing droppers, giving medicines, even consulting with foreign specialists, and human cardiologists came to the rescue, everything was possible and even more, but the dog did not survive.

“He died on my shoulder. He had a seizure, the medication apparently no longer helped, I took him to the clinics, he put his head on my shoulder, sighed and looked around the meadows “, – Mindaugas still complains.

A new joy has unexpectedly come to life

The show’s guest, who is having a hard time losing her life partner, was helped by friends from Austria – trainers and breeders who live in the mountains, where Mindaugas used to vacation with Ralph. Today, thanks to these friends, he has a new pet, so they chose a dog for him and this act moved the man to tears.

Photo by Singing Fish / Mindaugas Sėjūnas in the film “Condemn.  Seaside Jazz

Photo by Singing Fish / Mindaugas Sėjūnas in the film “Condemn. Seaside Jazz

The new dog not only brought joy to the actor and director’s life, but also encouraged him to start his studies at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Today, he helps people understand dogs and he doesn’t call it training.

Asked if he does not plan to radically change his profession, Mindaugas answers that everything fits perfectly. When he comes back from work, he becomes … a dog for two hours; together with a faithful four-legged person, he walks in nature, does not speak on the phone, pays full attention only to the dog. “It is a very good therapy, I suggest everyone use it.”

“A dog is never to blame, always just a person who doesn’t explain when to do it. If a dog is causing trouble for someone, that’s my problem, not his. No, he doesn’t listen, I didn’t teach him here ”, says the guest of the program, who believes that training – the rules of the home, the street, the city – is necessary.

He emphasizes that everything requires stubbornness and patience, and he knows what it is, because as a child he had tamed a wild rat, trained a group of chickens, this story and more, the director will tell the audience.

“World by Women” – Sundays at 10 pm on TV3.
