Opera soloist infected with coronavirus Viktorija Miškūnaitė: In Denmark and Estonia, this study is done differently


V. Miškūnaitė, who had previously been skeptical about this virus, does not lose a positive attitude even in such a situation. On social media, a woman shares a blog in which she visually describes her daily life with coronavirus.

“Those who know me know that I am such a tireless ‘seeker of justice’, at least that’s what my mother called me when I was a child, and that’s how somewhere deep in my heart, out of sheer justice, I wanted to experience ‘my own skin’ what that mystical Covid-19 and So tell me first hand, if I’m still alive, what about the bauble and if it’s real, it’s a crown.

Exactly a week ago, on November 6, in a referral to the workplace, I was tested for SARS-CoV-2 RNA at the clinic. I have noticed that so far (since August) I have examined it several times (both taking a smear and blood) and this was probably the sixth. All previous generations had been neither painful nor very pleasant. Tal – “ok”.

That Friday, the study was so painful that I took the medication involuntarily. the worker’s hand and physically pulled it out of my nose, literally. “What are you doing ?!”, he got upset. I politely apologized and explained that he had apologized for twisting that stick too much for me (and there is something else in there!) And this procedure is painful for me, although every time I have done it so far (by the way, in Denmark , this test is done by staining only the throat, and in Estonia only the nasopharynx, and only one larynx) were not painful. That’s when it all ended. The test was negative, although after that I sneezed non-stop all day and felt like my nose was stuffy – I wrote everything because of the employee’s unprofessional nature and “everything passes.”

Yesterday, November 12, at the same clinic, the same nurse (I recognized her!) Took the same test again. The same scenario was repeated: throat – nothing, left nasal cavity – nothing, right – the pain was such that when I was an adult woman, the self-defense reflex triggered again – this time I simply pushed it away from me and swore in my mind: “This is the last test / times when I allow someone to put something up their nose.” The most interesting thing is that this time she was not at all surprised by my reaction, she just laughed. Well, we both ridiculed this incident, supposedly, “how wicked is this test, torturing people.”

After the test, the same symptoms appeared as last time: unstoppable sneezing, nasal congestion. Et, well, what are you going to do. In the evening he was ready to go to the meeting. As I walked through the door, I smelled and … to my great surprise, I didn’t smell anything. Again, I would order a new bottle of perfume that I had bought a few days ago, nothing! Then, like in a dramatic movie, in the unexpected turn of events, I rushed to open and smell all the bottles in a row, I had to admit that I was not smelling anything. I canceled the meeting. Embarrassed I went to sleep.

In the morning I opened the email. mail: test result – positive.

I am now in self-isolation and decided to start writing a mini quarantine diary first hand: who and how. Anyway, I am in good health, I will not get overwhelmed “easily”, because I constantly drink vitamins C, D, zinc supplements and intuitively feel what my body needs and what it does not.

But one thing does not give me peace of mind. During all this time since spring, I intuitively felt that wearing a mask hurts. My body just physically resisted wearing the mask: I was lacking fresh air, oxygen, I always wanted to “breathe more deeply”, as if I did not breathe with my lungs, so I tried to be outdoors as much as possible, go for a walk and wear masks only there, and only when really necessary.

Also, when I put the mask on, I had a lot of dew on the inside of the mask, so I felt like I was inhaling moist air (whatever I have found is the most direct route to respiratory illnesses). For this reason, I changed the masks out of obsession to maintain a feeling of freshness and natural moisture. Until all these preventions and medical interventions, I felt healthy as a radish. And here’s a fight I got after yesterday’s test.

The question is this. I cannot prove that people are infected through tests and that would sound like such a total conspiracy theory, but to dispel the doubts of all people, including those who wear aluminum caps on their heads, it would be interesting to investigate by testing people isolated before and after. SARS-CoV-2 RNA test: what would the results be.

And if you are serious, stay healthy, protect yourself and your loved ones, be outdoors as much as possible, exercise, breathe and drink vitamins, “wrote a well-known singer on Facebook on Friday.

On Saturday, Victoria said that she followed her mother’s advice and drank various teas that were good for the body to improve her health. Fortunately, the symptoms of the disease subsided.

“Late yesterday night I was overwhelmed with a terrible headache called a ‘corona’ when an arc pressed against my head and the brain no longer seemed to fit into the skull. I opened the pharmacy hoping to find some pain relievers – I found TheraFlu, GeloMyrtol, Aflubin, Traumeel, a few more patches, alcohol, cotton, and a thermometer that had expired a few years ago, the latter in a hurry. 37.0. Rule.

Without knowing it, I remembered my childhood when my mother put me in “bed mode” and told me to drink tea in cubes. I quite liked those “vacations”. I gladly drew or solved crosswords, read books, but that tea drink was a real pain.

Well well. You will have to go back to the old days (mom, you are my angel!). I brewed a bucket of tea: I constantly drank ginger alternating with fennel (a woman wearing a crown forced me to help), and for the prevention of respiratory diseases, it will not hurt, because the most important thing for me is that this bacillus does not “descend” to the bronchial tubes, what really a lot of trouble. Honey Honey Honey – well, I recently got a gift – people, give them honey! What a great thing in times like these. I went to sleep because I know that sleep is the best medicine.

When I got up in the morning, I felt like I had a severe hangover, a weak and heavy headache and the question “where am I? Has anyone been like this before? Well, maybe the crown is not very inventive with its “evil”.

Either way, I noticed that fluids were lacking. Another bucket of tea and a dose of sleep. I woke up, got out of bed, ventilated the rooms well. The headache seemed to subside and the smell was back! I’m going to live.

Go, I smoked and sat satisfied. Those little details of life, “wrote the singer on Facebook about her illness.

#second day of quarantine
Mom’s recipes.
Yesterday, late at night, I was covered in a horrible headache called a “corona” …
Posted by Viktorija Miškūnaitė in 2020 Saturday November 14

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